Former Lifeway Exec Ed Stetzer’s New Church Is Riddled With Female ‘Pastors’ + Christine Caine is One of Them

Southern Baptist Convention mainstay Ed Stetzer has revealed he has a new home church, and it’s chock full of women pastors, including one celebrity pastrix he’s long been theologically sweet on.

Ed Stetzer is the disgraced former Lifeway executive who knowingly sold false Heaven Tourism books before being publicly exposed by Alex Malarkey. He was recently a professor, dean, and executive director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center but has since taken a job as Dean of the Talbot School of Theology. An SBTS grad who has permanently embedded himself in Southern Baptist politics, Stetzer was recently appointed by J.D. Greear as the chair of the 2020 Resolutions Committee. 

We’ve been calling out his bad behavior as the bearded anti-Berean for years; in our posts Ed Stetzer, Insufferable Expert on Everything, Says Pastors Can’t Give “Medical Opinion,” in Stetzer Wonders Why Conservatives Can’t “Look Past Abortion” to Vote Democrat and Ed Stetzer Ignores the Voice of Black Christians.

Stetzer has been giving egalitarianism his best bedroom eyes for years, despite his keening protestations to the contrary. Unlike his previous churches Highland Church and Moody Church, his new home Mariners Church has women ‘pastors’, including Teaching ‘pastor’ Ines Franklin, Executive ‘pastor’ Beth Ganem, Content ‘pastor’ Liz Powers, and celebrity pastrix Christine Caine, whom Stetzer has long admired.

We’re not surprised by his shift in this regard. We wrote this in 2018:

A lady of the night needs a man to facilitate their transactions of transgressions. And no matter how liberated or independent today’s female preachers seem to be, they need men in positions of authority to assist them in their sin of leading astray the church’s more vulnerable and impressionable weak women (2 Timothy 3:6). For the most atrociously inept and theologically deficient prophetesses, they have Ed Stetzer as their pimp and hustler, giving them a platform and theological street corner to stand on and propagate their false doctrines. Stetzer, who proudly and defiantly helped to turn Lifeway Christian Resources into the world’s largest retailer of heresy during his tenure in the Southern Baptist Convention, is now opening the door to a whole new harem of false prophetesses and turning Wheaten College into a brothel of bad teaching.

Wheaton College, with Ed Stetzer serving in the Billy Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism and as the Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center, is partnering with Propel Women. Propel Women is an Egalitarian-focused women’s ministry (best characterized as Moralistic Therapeutic Deism), founded by Christine Caine and steeped in the Hillsong variety of the prosperity Gospel and Word-Faith Theology. Joyce Meyer has been a keynote speaker at Propel in the past. Propel is the theological equivalent of the human papilloma virus, a serious communicable disease transferred among women (often without their knowledge), spreading a self-centered, naricigetical, feminist, emotion-fueled ideology and a painfully low comprehension of the Bible.

Sadly, these women have been provided the very worst of teachers as their muse. One can only imagine the type of female “minister” will be unleashed upon the world in this generation. The future of evangelicalism will look very much like the testosterone-heavy, short-haired United Methodist female bishops who preside over primarily dying congregations.

In reality, that Stetzer would expose Wheaton women to Christine Caine and Ann Voskamp is incredibly sexist and paternalistic, exposing the soft bigotry of Stetzer’s lowered expectations. No male seminary students would be exposed to teachers of such dubious or non-existent theological credentials or the rambling, incoherent babble of self-ordained prophets. But for women, bless their heart, it’s good enough.

Godly women deserve better.

Vindicated once again.

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11 thoughts on “Former Lifeway Exec Ed Stetzer’s New Church Is Riddled With Female ‘Pastors’ + Christine Caine is One of Them

  1. Much of the contemporary American church has abandoned Scripture that doesn’t jive with their worldly desires, and this is merely the latest example.

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  3. The 2018 Pulpit & Pen article you quote here wrongly claims that women spread HPV, often without their knowledge. Whoever wrote that needs to speak with a healthcare professional, any healthcare professional, because they can explain to the writer that that statement is false. Women AND MEN spread HPV. Men spread it more often without their knowledge because they don’t experience noticeable symptoms when they carry it. Women, on the other hand, develop abnormal cells that have to be removed surgically. Up until now, I have valued the commentary on this site. However, after reading this false (and frankly, backward) statement, I feel I can no longer trust this site for an objective Biblical worldview.

    1. This site has rarely been a reliable source for objective facts. They can have their interpretations and views on current events. That’s fine. But any statement of “fact” should be investigated. Your info on HPV is correct. This website seems to think that a sexually transmitted disease is solely the fault of the “whore” (heterosexual) woman who spreads it, somehow independent of the men involved in such relations. Of course it is “transferred among women.” To them, men are blameless and clean, while women are dirty and sinful. Because they ultimately hate women.

  4. If you want to call women who say anything “whores”, then have the balls to do it. Don’t resort in insinuations like a coward. Just say it. Be open about your disdain.
    The gymnastics to say that your misogynistic views are somehow not “sexist and paternalistic,” as described in the last paragraph, are astounding.
    The first paragraph of the quoted article from 2018 seems to try to find every possible way to call women pastors “whores” as possible without uttering the word. It’s not even subtle, referring to “harems” and “brothels” and comparing female pastors as “prophetesses.” You claim that these “false” pastor women aren’t even capable enough on their own, so they need men to “assist them in their sin of leading astray the church’s more vulnerable and impressionable weak women.” Because of course women are too weak to lead people astray, and women are also too weak because they are easily led astray. You seem to just think women are weak and lesser than.
    My takeaway is: you people think women are to weak minded to have any thoughts, and thank god you “godly” men are around to make the rules and run things. Otherwise, these “weak” women might have some say in their congregations. And that would be blasphemy.

  5. My wife was a Children’s minister in a small SBC Church for a few years. She did a great job, better than most men would do. The end result was a group of children who had grown into youth and become active in the Church.
    The unrelenting stance this site takes against women providing any leadership whatsoever in the Church sounds alot more like Perfectionism (which always divides) than Orthodoxy. What about the Salvationists? Are they false teachers simply because each Corps. is under the leadership of a man and wife team of officers who share the same responsibilities of leadership? I am beginning to view this site through a new lens. There is an obsession with this topic here and the SBC….not to mention a lack of more pressing theological issues which should also be visited.
    Having said that I would not join a Church that employed a female senior pastor.

    1. The fact that you wouldn’t join a church with a female senior pastor says a lot about your wife.

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