SBC Entity Offers Scholarships Exclusively to Women and BIPOC Applicants

B&H Academic Books, a Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) publishing division, has recently unveiled a scholarship exclusively for women and ethnic minorities.

This advertised scholarship opportunity consists of two parts: one for “female students” and the other for “ethnic minority students.” It’s targeted at doctoral students, who will receive $1,000 in travel and accommodation expenses to attend the Evangelical Theological Society’s annual fall meeting. 

The application page explains the motive: “These scholarships grow out of a desire to cultivate the next generation of evangelical scholars and to invest in the inclusion of all voices in the academy,” adding that there’s one scholarship each for female students and ethnic minority students.

Applicants can apply for either the “Ethnic Minority Scholarship,” the “Women’s Scholarship,” or both. Recipients will also get a chance to attend a “Women’s Networking Event” and a “Minority Luncheon” at the conference. 

However, the announcement sparked some controversy. Several pastors and SBC members pointed out that the SBC Constitution specifically prohibits endorsing discrimination based on ethnicity. The SBC had also passed a resolution in 2019 affirming its commitment to racial reconciliation, based on biblical principles. 

The move shouldn’t come as a huge surprise, however. It also wasn’t that long ago where the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary promised to show partiality to black students, in the form of $5,000,000 in reparations.

Why should be expect anything different?

Editor’s note. This article is testing something out.

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