5000 United Methodist Churches Dissafiliate from Denomination in 2022/2023, Citing Acceptance of Homosexuality as Cause to Split

Over the last two years, over 5000 United Methodist Church’s (UMC) have decided to disaffiliate from their denomination over their progressive views of homosexuality and acceptance of other deviant sexual theology, according to numbers compiled by UM News. These staggering numbers are in sharp contrast to the previous three years, which only saw around 250 requests to leave.

The UMC has over 30,500 churches in the United States and is the second biggest denomination behind the Southern Baptist Convention. In most cases, however, the UMC is not just letting them leave on peaceful terms but is requesting huge fees to keep their church buildings- sometimes up to half the cost of the property. Some state conventions have refused to offer buyout options, insisting that those choosing to leave must leave their church behind- real estate that is often worth millions- resulting in lawsuits and other legal action.

With the latest exodus, the faithful are by and large all gone, with the remaining churches populated by goatlings with Christian ideations that can’t agree on how badly they hate the bible or on the best way to molest it into affirming the doctrine of demons.

While the main reason for splitting is the long-fought war within the UMC over homosexuality and the UMC’s acceptance of it, it’s of note that the conservatives within the UMC aren’t particularly conservative either. For years the UMC has supported a woman’s right to choose abortion as an option to be considered. In fact, for over 40 years, their Book of Resolutions affirmed the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. 

They support strict gun control and even guns being banned altogether. They allow women leadership into the highest level of leadership, condemn capital punishment, and condemn creationism, suggesting that of those leaving, only a fraction of churches would even be worth attending. 

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7 thoughts on “5000 United Methodist Churches Dissafiliate from Denomination in 2022/2023, Citing Acceptance of Homosexuality as Cause to Split

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  2. The UMC is a wasteland. Like you said, there are no even close biblical churches in it. It’s just another Episcopalian, PCUSA, United Church of Christ clone and has been for decades. Leave them to their own devices and pray for another Reformation in the house of God.

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