A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 39

The thirty-eight in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge them.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18 Album #19 Album #20 Album #21 Album #22 Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album 37 Album 38

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3 thoughts on “A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 39

  1. Hey there! We really enjoy reading people’s blogs and the inspiring content that creators like you share . Your personal perspective contributes to the diverse online community that we all cherish . Keep creating and empowering your audience, because your words can make a positive impact on the world. We can’t wait to see what you’ll produce next!

    Thanks- Jason

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