Libs Lose it After NHL Player Refuses to Wear GAY Hockey Jersey for PRIDE Night

Progressives are up in arms after NHL player Ivan Provorov did not don an LBGTQ jersey for a pre-game warm up and postgame auction, the only Philadelphia Flyer player refusing to do so. The Flyers were celebrating PRIDE night at the arena, decking it out in rainbow hues in order to raise money for gay charities.

Provorov, who is Russian orthodox, told reporters: “I respect everyone. I respect everybody’s choices. My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion.”
In response to this, hockey analysts were livid, with Pierre LeBrun, TSN and RDS Hockey Insider and Senior NHL Columnist for @TheAthletic writing:

Likewise Greg Wyshynski, Senior NHL Writer at ESPN, said that Prororov owed these charities a donation and was irked and aghast he didn’t wear the jersey.

Head coach John Tortorella offered that he respected Prorovov for his stand, and did not consider benching him for his stance.
With Provy, he’s being true to himself and to his religion. This has to do with his belief and his religion. It’s one thing I respect about Provy: He’s always true to himself. That’s where we’re at with that.”
Only one individual not willing to bow before the gods of mental illness/sexual deviancy? That’s sad.
My thanks to Ivan for standing up for what he believes. He has the right to his own beliefs and for the beliefs of others not to dictate his actions. I commend him. Kudos also to the coach for acknowledging the freedom of choice.
What’s truly tragic is how he was the only one with the guts to not give in just like those two Tampa Bay Rays players did last summer who refused to wear a gay pride patch on their uniform for the game. Probably won’t be long the way things are going that teams will at least once a year wear the pride jerseys for the game itself and not just the warm-up.
Why in the world are men so cowardly not to stand against this? Do they not know that it’s all about pedophilia and that’s what they’re really supporting? No one is preventing people with these horribly destructive lifestyles from attending hockey games but rather, it’s all about promoting the lifestyle to children and people in general.
If you don’t know just how depraved the lifestyle is, especially for men, check out this article below from last summer. Let’s put it this way: there’s a good reason why homosexual men, on average, live much shorter lives than heterosexual men do.
For what it’s worth, all the sports are doing this as well and even the minor leagues as the local team in Charlotte just had their pride day last Sunday afternoon, believe it, or not, and so does the local minor-league team in Kannapolis, as well as every other team most likely.
They don’t seem to care how many and who it offends and how it actually harms those cursed to live in those LGBTQ lifestyles who are simply destroying themselves.
What is it that makes Caucasians, in particular, so cowardly, as you see it all throughout society, backing down at the most outrageous things, including pedophilia and transgenderism is if that were possible?
I guess the simplest and most direct explanation can be found in Romans chapter 1.