Frank Houston, Despite Being Defrocked, Kept Preaching Till He Died (Contradicting Son’s Testimony)

Brian Houston says his father never preached again after he took away his credentials. (Bianca De Marchi/AAP PHOTOS)

Despite Hillsong’s Brian Houston stripping his father of his ministry credentials after discovering he molested at least one seven-year-old boy, the elder Frank Houston continued to preach and teach unabated, delivering sermons until his death, according to court testimony.

In 1999, Houston took away his dad’s preaching credentials. This was told to Assembly of God leaders, who met in secret and decided not to make the shocking confession public, providing in part that the pedophile pastor never preached again. In multiple interviews, Brian Houston testified to this fact that his father never preached again until he died in 2004.

This morning, the court heard that Frank Houston was still preaching at the Hunter Valley Christian Life Centre eight weeks before his death and would occasionally lead prayer over those attending the services. The church’s pastor Robert Cotton said he was unaware of the child sex abuse and that if he had known, he would have never let him preach in 2004, saying:

“There’s no way in the world I would have had him back in the church. I wouldn’t have had him near any of the kids in the church. I wouldn’t have had him around my son who was in the church.”

In audio from the 2004 sermon, Frank can be observed commenting on a child’s looks:

“This curly haired little man here … But what a fantastic young fellow he is, curly hair, sort of. Good looking. It’s not your fault you’re good looking. So thank God you are. Who wants to be ugly when you can be good looking.”

The trial continues.

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4 thoughts on “Frank Houston, Despite Being Defrocked, Kept Preaching Till He Died (Contradicting Son’s Testimony)

  1. Brian Houston wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face. He keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper.

    1. Brian’s lost father raised a lost son. Kind produces kind. I’m not defending their evil actions but it’s sad to think that the father will spend an eternity in hell knowing full well he lead his children there as well.

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