Joyce Meyer Gets Tattoo at 79 years old to “Push Religious People Off the Cliff

“I’m going to tell you something folks, I didn’t stop sinning until I finally got it through my thick head I wasn’t a sinner anymore. And the religious world thinks that’s heresy and they want to hang you for it. But the Bible says that I’m righteous and I can’t be righteous and be a sinner at the same time … All I was ever taught to say was, ‘I’m a poor, miserable sinner.’ I am not poor, I am not miserable and I am not a sinner. That is a lie from the pit of hell. That is what I was and if I still am then Jesus died in vain. Amen?” Joyce Meyer “What Happened from the Cross to The Throne?

79-year-old Joyce Meyers is long thought to be one of the ‘Big three’ heretics, along with Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn. Popular with women and effeminate men, the famed multi-millionaire televangelist whose ministry brings in over $100 million yearly and is known for her word-faith teachings, among the beliefs that put her outside the bounds of orthodoxy.

According to CARM, who has cataloged her wayward ways, she has a bizarre view of the atonement where Jesus paid for our sins in hell, believes that Jesus stopped being the Son of God for a time, that Jesus had to be born-again, that Jesus went to hell in our place and was tormented, that If you don’t believe Jesus went to hell, you cannot be saved, and that the scripture teaches that we are little gods. This is all while claiming that she routinely receives revelation from God and the angels.

Two years ago, Meyers spoke of her intention to get a tattoo and gave part of her motivation for doing so.

I’m right on the verge of going and getting a tattoo. Right back here (n her shoulder) ‘I belong to the Lord. ‘ You’ll go with me won’t you? I thought I might as well just push all the religious people just right off the cliff and get it over with.”

At a recent event Meyer reveled that she finally got inked, as promised, but gave slightly more charitable motivations for doing so:

Two weeks ago I got tattooed on my shoulder. I have a nice little cross back there and it says ‘I belong to Jesus’. And just for good measure, I put ‘love’ on my foot to remind me to walk in love….the guy said that we were the oldest people he had ever tattooed.

Do you honestly think that I’m so stupid that I didn’t pray and pray and believe with all my heart? I did it as an honor to God.”

What is perhaps more noteworthy than the tattoo, however, is the behavior of these women. The’re cheering and clapping and sound like they are going they are going to die of euphoria at hearing these words from such a wretched bible teacher. This is the scandal of the situation.

h/t Doctrinal Watchdog

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5 thoughts on “Joyce Meyer Gets Tattoo at 79 years old to “Push Religious People Off the Cliff

  1. Wesleyian perfectionism run amok. That she says she’s not a sinner is a sin, in and of itself. But then she’s too stupid and evil to recognize it. But she’s got her money and her goats. Does she have Jesus??? Well??

  2. Shes had plenty of plastic surgery too. She is beginning to look like lion lady. Most importantly; she is a heretetic who has made millions twice children of hell!

    Meyer has been responsible for many lost people NOT coming into the fulness of Christ with her doctrine of devils . Like all the other Word of Faith preachers she believes that the atonement for sins was not accomplished on the cross but in hell. They say He was the firstborn, the first begotten, from the dead. They claim “Jesus started the church of the firstborn in the gates of hell…. He went down to the gates and started His Church there…. The Church started when Jesus was born again in the gates of hell.”

    Joyce Meyer had better repent before its too late. Her hell is going to be very hot!

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