2000 Mongolians Get Saved At Historic and Unprecedented BGEA Outreach Festival

Thousands of Mongolians ‘decisions for Jesus’ according to a report from The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, who say that their outreach was the largest in the countries history.

Franklin Graham spoke at the two-day Festival of Hope in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, a much-hyped event that was the result of the cooperation of 250 protestant churches and two decades of prayer. Franklin gave over 17,300 attendees the gospel message, while 400 volunteers from churches across the country were at hand to minister to them.
“He sent his Son from Heaven to earth to save you. Are you broken in your spirit? Are you spiritually empty? Have you wasted your life? Will you come to Him? You need Jesus Christ — He is the only way to God. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.'”

With Christianity only breaking into Mongolia in any significant way in the late 1980’s, only 1.7% of Mongolia claims to be Christian, but that number includes Roman Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, and Seventh Day Adventists. Once you remove them, that number is much lower and likely hovers around 15,000-20,000 people. Assuming all these conversions are genuine, the salvations would correspond to a 15% increase in the amount of Christians in the country.
What a wonderful event, so many coming to Christ. Pray that they will persevere to the end cementing eternal salvation; that they do not later become severed from the Lord and fall from grace (Gal 5:4); that they do not become unrighteous and lose the opportunity to inherit the Kingdom of God; that they do not say they love God, but hate his brother; that they are not one Jesus describes as believing for a while, but in time of temptation fall away (Luke 8:13); that they will sow the Spirit and secure eternal life; that they do the will of God and not hear the Lord say, I do not know you, as you did not…..
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They did not use KJV at this event therefore these Mongols are going to HELL.
Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. Now that’s 4real!
By that logic, so are all the apostles, martyrs and believers up to the 1600’s.
What’s wrong with the 1560 Geneva Bible which predates the 1611 KJV?
Very good point. Apparently Mr. 4real is able to judge the heart of others, and decide whose in and out.