Woke Pastor Repents of Using the Word ‘Picnic,’ Because It’s……

A pastor at Sycamore Creek Church in Lansing, MI, Pastor Tom Arnold says that his church has repented of using the word picnic because… it’s racist. Arnold repeats debunked claims that sound like either his black friends were messing with him and told him that, or it came from 4Chan trolls, explaining that they don’t use such triggered and racist language anymore, offering a novel explanation of what makes the term so terrible and loaded.

We’re talking about repentance and there’s some ways that we can repent as a church, ways we can repent as individuals. And one of the ways we’ve been doing this here lately as a church is with some of the language that we use.

As we’ve involved more and more black people in our worship services in South Landing, we’ve come to learn that the word ‘picnic’ has a really negative history, negative association in the black community. And that’s because during times of lynchings, many white people would bring a picnic with them and sit to watch this, while eating a meal outside. I mean this is just absolutely, I mean it’s horrendous…

So the origin of the word picnic is from a 17th-century French word ‘pique-nique‘. But in the black community, it’s taken on the association of “pick an ‘N-word’ and go lynch them.”

And so we’ve started using a different word. We’ve repented. We’ve turned around from using the word ‘picnic’ and started using other words for talking about having an outdoor meal together.

h/t Woke Preacher TV

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3 thoughts on “Woke Pastor Repents of Using the Word ‘Picnic,’ Because It’s……

  1. Yes large crowds used to gather to witness public executions scheduled by the court. I’m sure many probably brought along food. No, they didn’t just do that when a black person was being executed. It was customary regardless of the color of the skin of the individual who’d been sentenced to death. It was done publicly for reasons including deterrence.

    Where scripture is concerned, it’s fairly clear on the fact that certain crimes warrant the death penalty, and those executions were public. In some instances in history some individuals were falsely accused, wrongly convicted, and wrongly executed – and in some of those cases, racism undoubtedly was a factor. But the problem in such cases is bearing false witness, etc., not the method of execution. God does not say, “since people bear false witness, nobody should ever be executed.” No, He says “thou shalt not bear false witness” and if someone does falsely accuse, then he is due the same punishment intended for the person he falsely accused.

    Hanging was the lethal injection of its day. It was considered the most humane method. Hangmen were highly skilled and trained, and much effort was put into making sure it was done correctly and humanely. In many countries around the world, it is still the primary method of execution used, to this day. And in some US States, I believe it is still an option – with the most recent execution by hanging being in 1996.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a “grievance gospel.” It’s not a “revenge gospel.” It’s not a “gospel of discontent.” I don’t care if you’re bellyaching about whites, or bellyaching about blacks, or whatever or whoever you might bellyache about, if that is your gospel then you are believing and sharing a false gospel. That’s the same wicked mentality of the murderous lynch mob out to hang someone without due process of law.

    If you commit a crime worthy of capital punishment, then you deserve far worse than to have people show up and picnic at your public hanging. You deserve far worse than that, regardless of the color of your skin, or what may or may not have been done to your ancestors, or what your circumstances may be. You are without excuse. And that’s the truth. If you murder someone, for example, I personally don’t give a flying flip if people picnic or even celebrate at your execution. I’ve got no pity for a murderer.

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