Gospel Preacher Arrested for Preaching In Front of Abortion Mill

(Montana Daily Gazette) “One of our boys was just arrested in Greenville, South Carolina, for preaching the Gospel at the murder mill. No warning. No decibel meter. No nothing including- no reading of his rights. The cops came, told him to get off the ladder, put him in cuffs, and he’s now sitting at Greenville County Detention Center. It’s here in SC; getting arrested for preaching the Gospel is here. Pray that God would grant us wisdom and discernment over the next several hours as we reason with our magistrates to do the right thing.”

The above was written yesterday by Matt Brock of Greenville, South Carolina. Brock and a group of comrades have been protesting the “murder mills” for years on end, but this event marked the first and only arrest.
To be clear, the arrest was over a supposed “decimal” level-of sound discrepancy emitted from a megaphone-and which has never been an issue before. No “calibrated meter” was used at the time of the arrest by police. The arrest was for preaching the Gospel.
Here is a video clip concerning the incident. View here to see Josh’s release from the Greenville County Detention Center.
This article can be read in its entirety at the Montana Daily Gazette here. Note: Title changed by Protestia.
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If the ordinances specify decibel level, then it was a false arrest because they didn’t check the levels. If not, then the ordinances violate the 14 Amendment (at minimum), are nothing but a license to target, dependent on officers’ changing whims and feelings, and should be unenforceable. At least that is how it should’ve worked back when we were still the USA.
In either case, he was targeted.
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