Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Sues OSHA Over Vaccine Mandate

The flagship seminary of the SBC, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has counted itself among the first major Christian institutions to challenge the Biden administration’s federal vaccine mandate, joining forces with the Alliance Defense Fund in their efforts to stop this unconstitutional edict.

Though SBTS “strongly encourages” staff and students to get vaccinated, this is a bridge too far for the seminary, which has around 300 staff members and 3300 students. Mohler said of the mandate:

“It is unacceptable for the government to force religious institutions to become coercive extensions of state power. We have no choice but to push back against this intrusion of the government into matters of conscience and religious conviction. This institution exists for the purpose of educating ministers for churches. This seminary must not be forced to stand in for the government in investigating the private health decisions of our faculty and employees in a matter involving legitimate religious concerns.”

Not for nothing, but it was slightly more than a year ago where Mohler accused his friend Dr. John MacArthur of Grace Community Church of “malpractice” by choosing to open up five months into the pandemic and not staying shut down for an indeterminable time. In fact, he and those knuckleheads at IX Marks were all over this, tut-tutting churches that chose to defy the government and stay open, saying at the time.

I believe that in the main, Christian churches and Christian leaders should respect all temporary, neutral, and generally applicable guidelines that are handed down by appropriate government and health officials in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic….We need to demonstrate courage and commitment, and we need to pray for discernment. We need, at this point, to call out the malpractice of the United States Supreme Court and do our very utmost to avoid any malpractice of our own. 

Apparently, the government shutting down churches was not worthy of a lawsuit, but mandating conditions for occupational safety and health at the seminary is.

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11 thoughts on “Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Sues OSHA Over Vaccine Mandate

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  2. Organizations are less being forced to act as a stand-in, and more being forced to act as a workaround to the Constitution. The government does not have the authority to “stand” there in the first place. The government cannot preemptively, proactively impose such intrusive mandates before the fact. It violates the 4th Amendment, for one. We are supposed to be secure in our persons unless a warrant is issued that we have committed a crime – period. Unless there is a warrant or provable probable cause of a crime having been committed, they are not allowed to touch you, much less stick you with a needle and inject you with a proven dangerous, deadly, and ineffective experimental drug. Our Constitution, and law – innocent till proven guilty – has been specifically designed to avoid that totalitarian preemptive mess.

    It also violates the 14th Amendment. They’re imposing the mandate on some but not all.

    The admin chose the approach it did, because it might possibly – but shouldn’t – allow them to just barely skirt around the Constitution – if they can find some judges corrupt enough to rule in their favor.

    Regulating organizations is one thing. But using organizations to preemptively regulate and control citizens is something else entirely.

  3. Anyone who refuses the vaxx should be fired and sent to prison. My megachurch pastor said so last week. Zero tolerance for domestic terrorists 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

    1. Forcing people to take an ineffective, dangerous, and deadly experimental drug that could seriously injure or kill them – seems to me that you and your “pastor” are the terrorists in this equation.

      How do democrats sleep at night?

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