Update. Fundraising Sites Raises over $900,000 for Kyle Rittenhouse as Gofundme Block Support & Delete Campaigns

Update. Lin Wood’s foundation has also raised $605,500, bringing the tally to over $900,000

A Christian fundraising site is under fire for hosting and allowing the raising of funds for Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who shot and killed two protesters in Kenosha, while other more prominent sites like Gofundme and Fundly have refused to allow these campaigns on their platforms.

GiveSendGo, the organization hosting the campaign for Rittenhouse, has been actively committed to not only allowing the fundraising page to exist, which as raised over $260,000 from 6000 donors, but is also openly campaigning and promoting it, tweeting it out to several high-profile conservatives like Ben Shapiro, Glen Beck, and even Vice President Mike Pence.

This has resulted in outrage from certain segments of social media, telling the group that they’re ‘Literally funding murder” and are “funding domestic fundamentalist terrorism.”

The fundraising post titled “Raise money for Kyle Rittenhouse Legal Defense,” explains further:

“Kyle Rittenhouse just defended himself from a brutal attack by multiple members of the far-leftist group ANTIFA – the experience was undoubtedly a brutal one, as he was forced to take two lives to defend his own. Now, Kyle is being unfairly charged with murder 1, by a DA who seems determined only to capitalize on the political angle of the situation. The situation was clearly self-defense, and Kyle and his family will undoubtedly need money to pay for the legal fees. Let’s give back to someone who bravely tried to defend his community.”

The campaign has been removed from other similar sites, with a spokesperson for Gofundme confirming the removal of all support pages, saying that it violates their terms of service which prohibits raising funds “for the legal defense of alleged crimes associated with hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, or intolerance of any kind.”

As a note, during our research we found that this self-described Christian crowdfunding site allows campaigns for some very sinful and wicked things such as *seemingly* allowing pages that help fund the murder of babies via campaigns for abortion services. We don’t know what else that could refer to. We have reached out to GiveSendGo but at the time of publication have not heard back from them yet, and we will update accordingly.

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