New Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Survey Shows Majority Are Pro-Choice, Pro-LGBTQ

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) is a confessional Lutheran denomination that is the second largest in the country, historically viewed as serving as the conservative foil to the apostate Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Led by President Matthew Harrison, the denomination claimed 1.7M baptized congregants in 2023, with a reported weekly attendance of nearly 523k spread across 5.7k congregations. Notably, 45% of LCMS congregations have a weekly attendance of less than 50 people.
Pew Research, which previously published studies of the LCMS in 2007 and 2014, has released a massive new religious landscape survey on the denomination, with a sample size of 35,000 that includes 1200 Laity.
The results are dispiriting.
When it comes to homosexuality, 50% of respondents say it should be accepted, along with 50% who strongly favor/ favor same-sex marriage.

Likewise, 54% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

When it comes to evolution, 81% believe that humans evolved over time, either with or without God.

Lastly, when it comes to demographics, the numbers are bleak, with only 5% of members under the age of 30, and nearly half of members are senior citizens.

At the rate they’re going, merging with the ELCA in 20 years remains a very real possibility.
h.t Evangelical Dark Web
Note: This article’s initial publishing used a feature photo originally published on the LCMS denominational website. Although we did not know nor publish the names of anyone in the photo, LCMS members in the photo recognized themselves and (fortunately) objected strongly to being linked in any way with the doctrinal drift demonstrated by the Pew survey discussed in this article. We apologize for this unintentional hurt. As we did not intend for any specific church member to be linked to the doctrinal drift discussed in our article, we have removed the picture and have to the best of our ability deleted any social media posts which use the picture.
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Lutheranism misunderstands all morality as nailed to the cross because it refuses to acknowledge that the law of Moses was two halves, ceremonial and moral, and that only the ceremonial was nailed to the cross. Its just antinomian trash.
No, it does not. That is a baseless claim.