Baptist Church Sign Says ‘Blacks’ Who Vote FOR Trump Are ‘Stupid Negroes’
The race-baiting New Era Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama is up to their old tricks again, with ‘pastor’ Michael Jordan putting up a new marquee on his church sign that reads “Attention to all Blacks who plan to vote for Trump: You are an ignorant, stupid negro.”
The other side reads: “Warning African Americans: A vote for Trump will put Black[s] folks back to picking cotton.”
Jordan is no stranger to these sorts of shenanigans, having previously put up a host of racist signs over the year, including:
“A white vote for Trump is pure racism.”
“Black folks need to stay out of White churches.”
“Kyle Rittehouse: white skin sent him home”
“White preachers are scared racist cowards”
Jordan told WVTM that “I want to get a message to African-Americans and poor Whites that we have a very serious election coming up” and that no matter what, they’d better not vote for Trump.
Racist, heretical blind guides.