Rockstar Pastor Vince Bantu Fired From Seminary For Secretly Marrying Second Wife?
Rising rockstar pastor and Fuller Theological Seminary professor Vince Bantu has been fired from his position at the school five months after being accused of marrying a second wife and engaging in other sexual misconduct, according to a new report from Christianity Today.
Bantu is an author, pastor of Beloved Community Church in St Louis, and was the assistant professor of Black church studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, where he could always be counted on to give a quip or a quote to circumstances affecting African American churches, especially with the Jude 3 org.
Then a CT article blew up his life, accusing him of practicing polygamy and detailing creepy circumstances that saw him expelled from a previous seminary.
According to reports, in late 2023, Bantu allegedly started to argue with his accountability partners that a good way for him to avoid sexual temptation was to marry multiple women, something he insists the bible allows. He then revealed that he had begun to talk to his wife about the possibility of taking on more women, even having two different potential wives in mind. He later admitted to the group that he went ahead and married the second wife.
This information was made known to Fuller, as well as the fact that Bantu was forced to resign from another seminary for sexual misconduct with a student.
In an email to students, Fuller president David Emmanuel Goatley said that the seminary conducted a “comprehensive and deliberate review of alleged misconduct” on account of having “high expectations and standards of conduct for all members of our community, especially those in positions of authority.” As a result of their findings in that review, they terminated his contract.
Bantu has denied the claims against him.
And we wonder what is happening to the American church when our seminaries are producing people like this
Steve Lawson and Vince can hang out together.
For those who pick and choose which parts of Scripture to highlight, and which parts to downplay or ignore, he could seemingly create some sort of an argument to say his position was not condemned in the Bible. To the contrary, polygamy was frequently ignored, not called out, and seemingly mostly acceptable throughout much of Scripture. Perhaps this was his only biblical option if his current wife completely deprived him for numerous years. Doubt that was the case, but it’s a possibility. I know this from experience.
In my first marriage, I was completely deprived of any affection or intimacy whatsoever throughout my 30s, for over a decade, so those who downplay how difficult it is for a married man going through the rest of their life in total abstinence apparently has not gone through this. That idea also does not correspond to what is stated throughout the Bible either. I made it through with extreme difficulty, until she eventually started a new life without me, but I also started wondering if many of the examples of men in the Old Testament who took on a second wife were in my predicament.
Maybe Vince Bantu was just putting into practice the theological findings of his Black Church Studies course.