Anglican Head Suggests Gay Sex Is Good If It’s In A ‘Committed Relationship’

For decades, the deplorable Anglican denomination has been drifting towards damnation, abandoning all biblical fidelity and proving time and time again millions of members are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teachings. Instead, they’ve adopted the worst excesses of the woke movement in a pathetic and desperate attempt at relevancy, and it shows. From voting to bless same-sex civil “marriages” to praising the Hindus for celebrating their pagan holiday’ Diwali’ and wishing them well on their week of unrestrained idol worship, they are as corrupt as they come.

Much of the move towards the acceptance of homosexuality has come from Justin Welby, the impish and effete Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Anglican church, who previously cried demonic little tears when he urged the denomination to start blessing civil same-sex ‘marriages.’

But Welby continues to drag his denomination further downward, appearing on a recent episode of The Rest is Politics podcast, hosted by Alastair Campbell.

In 2017, Campbell previously asked Welby whether or not gay sex was a sin, and the spineless non-leader gave this convoluted answer:

Seven years later, Campbell asked Welby if he had a better answer to his previous hemming and hawing, and Welby affirmed he did, denying the biblical position that all homosexual activity is prohibited at all times:

“What the Archbishop of York and I, and the bishops, by a majority, by no means unanimous, and the Church is deeply split over this – where we’ve come to is to say that all sexual activity should be within a committed relationship and whether it’s straight or gay.

“In other words, we’re not giving up on the idea that sex is within marriage or civil partnership. We’ve put forward a proposal that where people have been through a civil partnership or a same-sex marriage, equal marriage under the 2014 Act, they should be able to come along to their local, to a church, and have a service of prayer and blessing for them in their lives together.

“So we accept that. Now, I think this is a long way from church same-sex marriage ...”

It’s not a long way at all. While Anglican leaders insist their little fiddling and finagling with issues surrounding blessing same-sex couples haven’t changed the church’s official stance on sexuality and marriage, they are either too blind or too stupid to see that they have and that they will, and that’s the timeline for when they are openly affirming is likely less than a decade away.

h/t Christian Post

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