False Prophet Jonathan Cahn Smashes an ‘Altar of Ishtar’ At Lou Engle’s Washington Rally

Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jewish Rabbi who never misses an opportunity to falsely prophesy, promote speculative revelations of economic collapse that never come to pass, or treat the bible as a magical codebook from which he can uncover hidden mysteries and secrets that he can populate his next book with

The author of the terrible books The HarbingerThe Mystery of the Shemitah, and The Paradigm, he has been so thoroughly discredited on such a large scale that it’s only the naive, gullible, or wantonly ignorant that would ever give him an ounce of respect as a Christian leader.

On October 12, “the day of atonement,” he headlined the ‘Million Women’ rally in Washington, led and organized by false prophet Lou Engle, which saw tens of thousands of people (far less than a million) come together to sing and pray and as a “last stand” moment for America. Here, they engaged in intercession that God would save America by electing Donald Trump and prophetically “apply the Blood of Jesus over the doorpost of our nation.”

During the service, Cahn brought out a replica of the “altar of Ishtar” and smashed it to bits with a sledgehammer to the sounds of dozens of shofars. Claiming he was breaking the demonic strongholds of America, he told the gathered crowd:

“You women of God, you are Esther, and Esther cancels out Ishtar- the sexual immorality that enslaves this culture, that has led to the destruction of marriages, families and life.:

…This is the altar of abortion, the altar of sexual immorality, the altar of pornography, the altar of transitioning children, and the confusion of sexuality

…We pray, Father, that You would cast out the spirit of Ishtar, cast out the spirit of pornography, cast out the spirit of sexual immorality, cast out the spirit of trafficking of women and children,” he says. “We proclaim the blood of Yeshua, Jesus.”

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