Pastor Greg Locke Shares Weird Conspiracy Theories, Announces Run for Office?

Global Vision Bible Church pastor Greg Locke, who recently had a crazed gunman attempt to murder him and his family, preached a sermon two weeks ago where he shared a couple of unhinged conspiracy theories before announcing a potential run for political office in a few years.

To kick things off in the weird and wacky, Locke insisted that before the election hits, “there is going to be a catastrophic storm that is going to be manmade and manipulated” and then reveals “I feel like the Lord put it on my heart to say it: Kamala is about to have an attack on her life that is gonna be fake. You know why? They saw what it did to Trump when it bolstered his numbers. Her numbers are flopping. She is about to have a fake assassination attempt or an attack, and it’s gonna be blamed on the MAGA crowd. I promise you it’s about to happen in the news.”

Locke also added that “If you think that all the Verizon outages in the last week have been simple satellite interference, you better know that just before the election, they are going to cut off a massive amount of people that will have absolutely no idea what is happening, so that when they turn it back on, it will have already happened”before adding, almost in tears: “if Kamala wins this election…we will never have another one. Do you understand the severity of that?”

Turning to potential future plans, Locke remarked:

I’m not looking for votes and running for office. Not till 2032 anyhow, but nonetheless. They’re going crazy. They wanted me to say something and announce it when I was at DC. I told my wife the other day, and I’m just really talking now, I told my wife the other day, I said, honey, what would happen if when… I’m 60 in 2032, Pastor Greg Locke runs for President and tries to turn this mess around for the glory of God in this nation?

You think I’m playing? I’m tired of people not being tired of it!

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