Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff

Charismatic Prophetess Uses Anointed Staff to ‘Call Forth’ Donald Trump

In an act reminiscent of Jesus’ calling Lazarus forth from the grave, our favorite pink-haired prophetess Kat Kerr took to Facebook to resurrect another man. Using language that ought to make any Christian extremely uncomfortable and reaching for a bible she calls former President Donald Trump to “come forth” and to take up his destiny, which presumably involves a military coup and taking over from Joe Biden.

She punctuates these words with her anointed staff- an oft used prop that she enjoins on occasion. In fact, one like it was last seen when she tried to control the weather and used it to command hurricane Laura to stop- a move that did not go well. She must have traded it in for an upgrade.

All this, she says, is a message from the Lord and a direct revelation.

I’m here also to make a declaration of destiny. And right now I declare, and I call forth our president to take his rightful place. Trump, to come forth right now, to step into your destiny that God gave you, called you, appointed you, and anointed you for this time.

To declare over America. To help America. This is his choice and we call you forth right now in the name of Jesus Christ, who is with you, who will always be with you. The people are with you. The prophets of God are with you. The military is with you so COME FORTH, STEP INTO YOUR DESTINY NOW, sayeth the Lord. It is your day, and your hour, that you have been faithful to watch over this country and its people. To love it like God loves it. So be it in Jesus’ name. Come forth!

While this may all seem a bit radicicolous, her pull is ridiculous. This short cliups has nearkly 110k views and thousands of comments, all looking like this, over and over and over, with nary a critical word anywhere.

This is the fruit of run-of-the-mill charismatic culture. Someone like Kat Kerr isn’t an oddity or an outsider within this group. She’s not a wild-eyed loon, but rather a respected seer and revelatory. She is not a bug, but rather is a feature.

A pink haired- heaven visiting, prophesying and declaring, making-stuff-up as-she-goes feature.