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Baptist Church Says Only Vaccinated People May Attend+ Fire Unvaccinated Staff + No Children Allowed

An Atlanta church has taken a bold step in order their fight to show themselves unapproved- announcing that all worshippers and attendees wanting to gather on the Lord’s day for church may NOT attend unless they show proof of vaccination first.

Dr. William Flippin Sr, the ‘pastor’ of The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church insists that this is the loving course of action, explaining in a Fox Atlanta article that it’s all being done to keep the church safe:

“There are people who foolishly say they are covered under the blood. I believe in being covered under the blood but you also have good sense…We were extremely concerned about the elderly members that come to our church. We are concerned about everybody but particularly those. We didn’t want anyone to come on our campus and leave and say they became ill at our church.”

Grove Baptist finally opened for in-person services after 18 months of doing virtual services, having their first service on August 1st, with vaccinations being the condition of reopening.

It’s not just proof of vaccination that is required. The church, which has 3000 members, has instituted further strict protocols. These include requiring any vaccinated people wanting to attend to pre-register, submit to a temperature check at the door, wear a mask at all times, and sign waivers attesting that they never got COVID at church.

The church is also only allowing 200 people at a time to attend, and those attending must social distance 6 feet away. With the new policies in place, the church has terminated staff who refuse to get vaccinated, declining their request for a personal or religious exemption.

By everyone, they mean everyone. Children under the age of 12 who have not been vaccinated have been prohibited from entering and must watch the live stream from home.

Flippin says that at least 5 other churches have reached out to him wanting to do likewise.

“I am so hopeful that they follow the science. Not the politics. Not the theories or gossip.”

The church’s public relations director Miranda McKenzie agreed with Flippin’s sentiment, likewise noting: “We are following the science. It’s much safer to be vaccinated than not to be. We go over and beyond taking safety precautions for our members.”

According to state tracking, 48% of the state has received at least one dose and  39% has been fully vaccinated.