
Atlanta Church that Only Allows Vaxxed Congregants Tells Parents to “Trick” Teens into Getting Vaccine at Church-hosted Mobile Clinic

Just days after ‘pastor’ William Flippin Sr announced that only vaccinated members were allowed to attend his church he told congregants during the Sunday service that they ought to invite their children to come to church and then trick them once they’re here into getting the vaccine.

It’s not just proof of vaccination that is required at the Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church in Atlanta. The church, which has 3000 members, has instituted further strict protocols. These include requiring any vaccinated people wanting to attend to pre-register, submit to a temperature check at the door, wear a mask at all times, and sign waivers attesting that they never got COVID at church.

The church is also only allowing 200 people at a time to attend, and those attending must social distance 6 feet away. With the new policies in place, the church has terminated staff who refuse to get vaccinated, declining their request for a personal or religious exemption, Furthermore, children under the age of 12 who have not been vaccinated have been prohibited from entering and must watch the live stream from home.

Apparently, the pastor believes it is acceptable to lie to your children if it means getting them the shot, using church as a bait and switch. During his August 15th message he explained:

I want to just beg, please, with these younger people, particularly, to please get the vaccine. I guess they don’t listen to the news. The news says that over 90 percent of hospitalizations are persons who have not been vaccined. It didn’t say just young folk, it didn’t say white folk.

I was alarmed this week when Deacon Henderson sent me a little flyer, I don’t know if Patrick has it, that 56 percent of African-Americans in the nation have been vaccinated. I’m just shocked. I thought it would be much higher than that.

So, play this for your children who won’t get the vaccine. If you would get it, no more than for your mother, your grandmother, your grandparents, your elderly relatives, do it for them.

Somebody say “amen,” please. Do it for them. Amen. I have lived long enough to get the measles shot, the flu shot, the shingles shot, the pneumonia shot, this shot and that shot, and I ain’t dead. Say amen. And that I told my wife, Deacon Bell, said if something’s wrong with the vaccine, I’d rather not know I’m gonna die this year. I got maybe 10, 12 years on it. Somebody say, come on y’all, talk to me. Have some sense. Praise the Lord. We just have to trust that, if you will.

We are so serious about this that next week, when we have our community day, giving out bookbags and what have you, we are prayerful that we will have a truck, a mobile clinic here, for anybody to get their vaccines. Say amen. We’re gonna canvass the neighborhood, I want people to stand out with boards on the interstate saying, “Get your vaccine.” Say amen. So please, if you have some crazy children like I do, trick ’em and say you need a ride to church. And once you’re here, you say, “Now, you’re going in there. Do you hear me?” Amen. Tell ’em there’s something there for ’em. Praise the Lord.

Nothing problematic there at all.

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the vid and transcript