

NAMB and McRaney enter stipulation agreement that advances discovery. New trial date set.

(Capstone Report) Discovery moves closer in Will McRaney’s defamation and torturous interference lawsuit against the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). NAMB’s attorneys agreed to not withhold discovery based on some of its remaining claims. The agreement was set out in a Joint Stipulation filed February 9, 2022, with the federal court in Mississippi.

According to the agreement, “Pursuant to the Opinion and Judgment by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit filed July 16, 2020 (mandate issued December 3, 2020) [Dkt. No. 68], and this Court’s Order Denying Defendant’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as Premature and Directing the Completion of Discovery [Dkt. No. 93], NAMB agrees it will not withhold any discovery responses on the basis of its First Amendment defenses or objections, including in response to discovery requests served by Plaintiff prior to the date of this Stipulation.”

In other words, NAMB agrees to abide by the Judge’s ruling of January 12, 2022. This moves discovery closer to happening.

Also, because NAMB has so far stalled discovery, the judge was forced to…

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Editor’s Note. This article was originally written and posted at Capstone Report


Judge Denies NAMB’s Motion for Summary Judgment, Handing SBC Entity 4th Loss in a Row

(Capstone Report) Another win in Will McRaney’s quest for justice. 4 straight defeats for NAMB & Kevin Ezell. Will the NAMB trustees stop these humiliations?

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) got more bad news in its attempts to avoid discovery in the lawsuit filed against it by Will McRaney. On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, federal court for the Northern District of Mississippi denied NAMB’s request for summary judgement. In rejecting the motion, the court said that it was not time to consider summary judgment—it should wait on discovery.

This is a big win for Will McRaney as he attempts to hold NAMB accountable for harm he claims NAMB and Ezell did to him

NAMB has now lost four straight rulings to McRaney. NAMB and Ezell lost in a ruling at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, requested and was denied an en banc hearing at the 5th Circuit, and then appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States and was denied. Today’s ruling is the fourth loss in as many tries.

NAMB and Kevin Ezell lost all those bids to delay or avoid discovery.

According to the court order,

The Defendant has filed this motion months prior to the completion of discovery, a fact pointed out by the Plaintiff, who requests pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure…. 

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report