
Wheaton College Fires Back After Fox News Accuses Them of Being Woke, But Were They Right?

Wheaton College President Philip Ryken has responded to a recent article published at Fox News that accused the “Harvard of Christian schools” of “banning biblical words, teaching critical race theory, and psychologizing gender identity issues,” saying that the “various claims about the College…are either false or misleading” and that “the mischaracterizing post seems to be cobbled from out-of-context items found on the Internet.”

Is Ryken telling the truth? Tim Scheiderer, the author for Fox News, initially wrote:

(Wheaton’s) most blatant offense against Christianity is banning certain biblical words that are key to the faith’s foundation. In this year’s curriculum for freshman, students are informed about opportunities to meet the needs of those less fortunate. This is commonly known as the act of service

Wheaton, however, instructs the students not to use the word, “service.” Instead, they are to use “sacrificial co-laboring.” The reason given is service “may invoke power dynamics across socio-economic, racial, and cultural lines.” 

Yep. That would do it.

In a series of tweets defending his work, Scheiderer also pointed to a recent article by the Wheaton Record, a student-run newspaper, showing that wokeness had crept into the college by their repeated use of the moniker “gender minority students.” 

To buttress his point about their wokeness and snowflake sentiments, we have noted that Wheaton has a woke and easily offended streak. It wasn’t that long ago that they removed a 65-year-old plaque installed to honor martyr Jim Elliot and others. Staff and students complained about the plaque for describing the tribe that murdered five missionaries and threw their bodies in the river as “savage Indians,” resulting in its removal.

Furthermore, in 2018, after Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation gave his presentation at Wheaton entitled, “Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb, Wheaton’s student body president, Lauren Rowley, Tyler Waaler, the student body vice-president and the “EVP” of the college’s Community Diversity, Sammy Shields, all drafted an email claiming that the talk was “distressing” to Black students, saying things like:

“As many of you know, a special interest club hosted an event on Wednesday night titled, ‘Black Lives Matter: In and Outside the Womb.’ The speaker of this event, Ryan Bomberger, made several comments at the event that deeply troubled members of our community. His comments, surrounding the topic of race, made many students, staff, and faculty of color feel unheard, underrepresented, and unsafe on our campus.

She would later add that Bomberger “passed a line of political disagreement into a place of a racially aggressive thing to say that left students crying and feeling really unheard … their question wasn’t really addressed in a respectful manner.” 

Ed Stetzer, then Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton would defend the STUDENTS, saying that “If disagreement is unsafe, then Wheaton is unsafe. If you don’t like people challenging your ideas when you are intentionally provocative, this is not the place to come and speak… You see, we debate ideas here at Wheaton, and our students felt that some of Bomberger’s comments after the talk were unhelpful and dismissive, not about abortion, but about other issues of concern to them. Honestly, I would not have used the charged word “safe” that the students used in that email, but it does convey the kind of place we want Wheaton to be—a safe place to debate ideas and a safe place for people of color.”

Ie, they’re a buch of wokies.

Back to Ryken. He closes with: “Wheaton College remains fully committed to Christian service—which we embrace as “service” in our very mission statement—to biblical orthodoxy and Christ-centered education, including in matters of human sexuality, gender identity, and race relations.”

They may be a fully committed to Christian service, but that doesn’t mean the cracks haven’t started to form, and aren’t growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger…


Wheaton College Pushes Back on Personal Pronouns in Rare Theological Win

Wheaton College has scored a rare win by clarifying its views on the use of personal pronouns by its employees, with the Evangelical school updating its student and employee handbooks to restrict staff from using he/him/she/her/zir/they/ and all other manner of insanity under the sun, reading:

“The College does not permit the statement of preferred personal pronouns by employees when conducting College business, when on a platform where they are publicly identified as College employees, and/or when using the College brand in print or digital media, except when employees are required to submit such pronouns when registering for a conference or for membership in a professional organization.”

This, of course, follows the revelation that Wheaton intentionally provides a couple of gender-neutral bathrooms as “an expression of Christian hospitality,” clawing back any goodwill that we were about to offer them.

Notably, while ostensibly using personal pronouns by students would be frowned upon, the new restrictions apply only to faculty and make no such provisions for the rest of the college body.