
Atlanta Megachurch Pastor Wants to Grow Weed on Church Property to Attract Black Males and Teach Them to Farm

Jamal Bryant, a left-wing goat of a pastor and serial adulterer, is known for his leftist political antics. When Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme court, Bryant decried the decision to allow states to restrict abortion as “racist” in a baby dedication Sunday sermon, claiming that the elimination of abortion would somehow increase the black infant mortality rate by 30%.

Bryant is a simple political idealogue who cosplays as a Senior pastor every Sunday morning at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, which is quite an ironic name for a church that is pro-abortion and preaches the twisted false gospel of Liberation theology. The church’s website doesn’t contain any substantive Gospel-based statement of faith but a social justice-based statement on community organizing and development.

During a recent episode of The Cool Soror with Rashan Ali, he says he wants to grow cannabis on his church so that black males can farm it, using it as an evangelistic tool and as a way to teach them a skill.

And a lot of churches are just recycling people from other churches. That’s not who I’m after. I’m looking for people that smell like weed. You know I’m at their place for Rashan- no really.

New Birth is the largest land owning black church in America. And so my position to my deacons is why aren’t we not raising cannabis? I’ll be able to bring in black males. They’re able to do it legally. I’m teaching them farming. I’m helping them to enhance the ecosystem. This is the kind of conversation.

So if the guy, black boy in (unintelligible) said ‘they’re growing weed at the church, where do I join?” I don’t need no pamphlet for him. He coming in, and that’s the group that I’m going after.”

He later told AFN

“I said I want people who smell like smoke because I believe these are the people God is looking for and too many of us have become so puffed up in our self-appointed sanctification that we fail to do outreach. In no uncertain terms is cannabis, hemp a ploy or distraction from winning souls to Christ.”


Famous Charismatic Prophetess Tokes the Holy Ghost + Michael Brown Cameo

New Apostolic Reformation royalty Patricia King continues to show the abject debauchery and excesses of the charismatic movement, being a living avatar for all the kookiness this theology naturally excretes.

Like our favorite pink-haired princess Kat Kerr, Patricia King routinely makes trips into heaven and makes war in the heavenlies’ by rebuking this demon or the other one, and then emerging with fresh revelation from God. She’s been endorsed and promoted by Dr. Michael Brown, and the two have appeared together at probably dozens of conferences by now. While Brown would ultimately repudiate this behavior in the middle of 2010 from certain gauche personalities, he never addressed King getting high on her own supply. 

This classic clip from May 1, 2008, shows King at the Toronto Airport Church, the charismatic mecca where pastor Paul Arnott created the Holy Laughter Movement and revitalized being “drunk on the glory; the inspiration for Todd Bentley in Lakeland years later. Acting like she needs to be thrown into a drunk tank, King explains she’s been ‘tokin’ the ghost’ and mainlining the blood of Jesus. This Prayer-of-Jabezian fad of ‘tokin’ the ghost’ was brought to the mainstream of charismatic consciousness by John Crowder, Benjamin Dunn, and the folk over at Red Letter Ministries (Warning, that website is a trip) a year earlier.

Known as “getting high on the most High” these ne’er-do-wells would smoke weed, or smoke literal pages from the bible, or just straight up do shrooms and then film themselves getting ‘drunk in the spirit as they attempt to have bible studies or hear and God through their consumption of the old ‘electric lettuce’, trying to marry drugs with the divine. 

It’s messy, stupid stuff, but King is all in. Take a watch.

h/t Salt and Light, who we also stole the cover thumbnail from.