
Kenneth Copeland Receives $230,000 Luxury Car From Dying Man as Seed Offering, Reveals Dozens of Luxury Watches

When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyedthrowing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus’ name, or even running his own bizarro Bible college, the richest prosperity preacher in America can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies in order to increase his net worth, he can be seen accepting obscenely wealthy gifts and seed offerings from dying men, according to a story by The Christian Post.

During a recent message preached at the 2024 Southwest Believers’ Convention, the 87-year-old money-grubber spent a large part of his sermon showing off his wealth and regaling the audience with meandering stories about his love for Breitling watches; Swiss luxury timepieces popular with aviators and pilots.

These watches can be purchased brand new for $3250 on the low end and up to $73,000 on the high end, (and even more for older and rarer models).

At one point, Copeland, who reveals he has 36 of the watches, flashes one to an audience member and asks :

Do you think that one’s pretty? It’s a Breitling. It has diamonds around the edge. Someone gave me that one.”

Copeland explained that he began gifting the luxury timepieces as “seeds” long ago, and he and Pat Robertson exchanged them frequently.

He also shared that one of his friends who was sick with cancer, the musician Mylon LeFevre, blessed him with an exceptional timepiece. LeFevre gave Copeland a Bentley with a Breitling inside of it, a hefty seed if there ever was one, all the “believing in God for healing.” (LeFevre ultimately passed away from his illness)

Mylon called me. He said, ‘how many Breitlings do you have?’ And I said,’ I don’t know, 36 I think. I haven’t counted them lately.’ And I have in my closet, I have winders and there’s a lot of them in there. He said, ‘I’m gonna give you number 37.’ I said, ‘great Mylon’.

Now he’s believing God for his healing. He said, ‘I’m giving you my Bentley and it has a Breitling clock.’ Whoa, a Bentley with a, hmm”

The Christian Post reports that: “According to the website HotCars, in 2022, Bentley offered a $230,000 Breitling clock in its Bentayga model. At the time, the site reported that the addition of the diamond and gold clock “nearly doubles the starting price for a new Bentayga.”


Televangelist Jesse Duplantis Says He Lives in a Mansion with a $159K Rolex Because He’s Just ‘Acting Like God’ +Other Wild Heresies

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord ‘flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet, is a lost man. We wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven.

In the last few days, he claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ, and said that Jesus wants to live inside of us because “we are just that good” and are “perfection.” Now, he claims that the reason he doesn’t get sick and also lives in a mansion is because God doesn’t get sick and lives in a mansion, and that because people wouldn’t get mad at God for wearing a luxury watch, they shouldn’t get mad at him.

And Duplantis does love his watches, being featured multiple times on Prophets n Watches.

Now, he explains:

So you’re mad at me because I’m blessed? Well, I’m just acting like my Dad. Because he’s blessed. You’re mad at me because I live in a mansion? I’m just acting like my Father. ‘Cause He living in a mansion. Don’t shout me down I’m preaching good. ‘Oh, well he just never get sick.’ Well, I’m just acting like my Father. He took my infirmity, bore, he didn’t- watch this- he didn’t want sickness on the flesh. Why? Because he dwelt in it.

…So you can say what you want. I think a lot, I think very good things about me. Let me say that again because some of y’all didn’t quite get that. I think a lot of good things about me because Christ in me the hope of glory. You call it bragging? I call it dwelling. He dwells in me and I dwell in him.

Some people get mad because I said something about a watch the other day. You know why? Because they don’t have one I guess. They don’t realize, would you get mad if you saw God wearing a fine watch? No.

…Let me read that St John 1:14 again: “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory.” Ooh man, that’s good. Now, (unintelligible) say we beheld his glory, in the flesh. This is not at the throne of God.

‘Oh, but that’s Jesus.’ Ephesian 5:1 Be ye therefore imitators of God, they should dwell”– they should be amazed at your glory. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.”

He was the first begotten of the dead. You got a number? Where’s your number? Do you see what I’m saying? (Editor’s note, he’s saying we are the second and third and whatever number begotten of the dead, referencing Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood)


Kansas Pastor Rips ‘Poor, Broke, Busted and Disgusted’ Congregation for Not Buying Him a Luxury Watch

Money-grubby ‘pastor’ Carlton Funderburke of Church at the Well in Kansas City, MO, has apologized after ripping his congregation for not buying him a luxury watch, saying “I’ve spoken to those I am accountable to and have received their correction and instruction.”

During his August 7th church service, ‘Prophet’ Funderburke derided his congregation as ‘poor, broke, busted and disgusted’ for not buying him a Movado watch, which range between $300-$3500 dollars, acting like an entitled baby who is upset because he can’t have the shiny things.

“This is how I know you’re still poor, broke, busted and disgusted, because of how you’ve been honoring me. I’m not worth your McDonald’s money? I’m not worth your Red Lobster money? I ain’t worth your St John Knits? (Luxury clothing brand for women) Ya’ll can’t afford it no-how. I ain’t worth ya’ll Louis Vutton? I ain’t worth your Prada? I’m not worth your Gucci? ….I’m saying this because I want you to understand just what God is saying…You can buy a Movado watch in Sam’s. And y’all know I asked for one last year. Here it is, the whole way in August and I still ain’t got it.”


Kansas City Pastor GOES OFF on congregation calling them "poor, broke busted and disgusted" because they didn't give him enough money to buy a new watch he's been wanting. It's pastors like these that give the church a bad name smh an also why a lot of our generation left the church. What y'all think? 🤔

♬ original sound – kcdefender

Coming under fire, Funderburke further stated in a video released to his church “though there is context to the content behind the clip, no context will suffice to explain the hurt and anguish caused by my words.” and that “I regret that your first impression of me is one of anger, hate and resentment. My actions and my words are inexcusable. I offer no justification or defense. That moment was mishandled and mismanaged. I deeply regret this moment and I solicit your prayers and your forgiveness as we grow forward.”


Not Satire. The Gospel Coalition Says ‘Christians Who Read Lots of News End up Hating Their Neighbor’

A Gospel Coalition writer has condemned the consumption of all news that isn’t intensely local, suggesting that doing otherwise is Gnosticism, gives a God-complex, has no value, and makes one hate their neighbor.

D. J. Marotta is a “priest in the Anglican Church in North America and rector of Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, Virginia.”

Describing the consumption of news as “the greatest challenge to discipleship in the church,” Marotta argues that the need and desire to read the news and know what’s going on out there is a form of “Gnosticism,” whereby:

Such special insight is what news offers us. News media say, implicitly, ‘We’ll give you the inside scoop. Follow us and you’ll be one of the enlightened few and not in the mob of fools.’  The news offers salvation through special knowledge…the news offers a substrain of the temptation presented to the first humans in Eden: to be like God.

He explains that reading all the news makes us feel “God-like” and omnipotent and that this is dangerous for our souls. Because most news is inactionable, like an earthquake in China, a scandal in Christendom, or Christian persecution in Zambia, it causes us anxiety, anger, hatred, and loss of agency when we read about it.

This is why Christians who watch or read a lot of news usually end up hating, not loving, their neighbor. They have been spiritually deformed by truckloads of voyeuristic, inactionable horror stories. 

The writer warns that reading this sort of ‘inactionable news’ has no use and no value, and cautions that “you should not seek to know everything or care about everything, because you should not aspire to be like God.”

Instead of reading international news, national news, statewide news, or even city news, he says Christians ought to avoid those things and really only read and engage in hyperlocal news, making that their primary source of information. Examples he gives are “news about a neighbor with a cancer diagnosis” or “news about the young couple down the street having their first child.”

Marotta concludes that because this sort of hyperlocal and immediate news is news you can do something about, it is acceptable to consume, and in fact virtuous to consume, unlike regular news, concluding that “this is news for the average human.”