
Witness BCC VP Suggests White People Enjoy Viral ‘It’s Corn!’ Video Because They’re Racist

While Jemar Tisby and his supporters go around complaining and raging that a college that he once spoke at repudiated one of his messages for being too progressive and having “divisive racial themes,’ the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of his Black Christian Collective Organization is out slinging racial accusations again, this time suggesting that white folks only like memes with featuring black people because of their white racist impulses.

For context, this is the same woman who advised black women not to enter into interracial relationships with white people, then she said that she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office, because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them. She also said that white children are racist after observing THIS normal playground behavior. Now, she’s getting more an more extreme, sharing her dark and accusatory thoughts towards white folk who appreciate the viral video and it’s ‘songified’ companion.

I just want to say that I love Tariq, aka the little boy known as ‘corn kid’. He is adorable. His discussion of corn is just so innocent and pure and there’s so many life lessons that you can take from it. So this is no shade on him at all whatsoever.

At the same time, I really struggle with black viral fame. I don’t want to be one of those people that keeps people from enjoying things because I’m looking at it way too deep. But part of me wonders if whenever black people go viral for something, if we’re all sharing it and laughing about it for the same reasons.

And if I’m honest, I don’t think that we’re finding the same thing humorous, especially along racial and cultural lines. And I know that people will jump in the comments about corn kid and be like, ‘Oh, but he’s so cute’ and this and that and the other, and that’s totally true.

But I can’t help but wonder if white people’s impulse to be entertained by black people is behind the virality of corn kid, or for that matter of the ‘Period Ahh Period Uhh; girl who is black fishing. Just some food for thought.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Politics

Trump Declares it ‘My Great Honor’ to be Considered ‘The Most Pro-gay President in American History’

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to embrace a new ad calling him the “the most pro-gay president in American history,” enthusiastically embracing the accolade after his former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, an openly gay man, made the claim in a new viral video ad

This is not the first time that Trump has taken on this mantle and pursued praise and support from the LGBTQQIP2SAA “community.” He became the first Republican president to recognize Pride Month when he encouraged celebration and support for it in 2019, with the president’s official merchandise store routinely selling LGBT campaign gear.

The video not only calls President Trump “the most pro-gay resident in American history,” but also gives further commendations into Trump’s acceptance and promotion of this perversity, saying:

I know firsthand that President Trump is the strongest ally that gay Americans have ever had in the White House.

Donald Trump is the first president in American history to be pro-gay marriage from his first day in office.

President Trump began a historic campaign to decriminalize homosexuality around the globe at the United Nations, where he publicly challenged the 69 countries who make being gay a crime to change their laws.

Though Trump has made many comments lauding the LGBT community, critics have generally regarded his commitment to LGBT values cooly, due to a range of policies they feel violate their ideals of “openness and inclusion.”