
Christian Org. DEFENDS Trademarking Phrase ‘Worship Leader’, Giving THIS Justification

Christian company Authentic Media LL, under fire for trademarking the phrase ‘Worship Leader” and then sending cease and desist letters to those who use it, including other Christian worship groups, have responded to criticism over their enforcement of it, claiming they are simply protecting their business interests.

Authentic Media’s entities were founded by Dr. Chuck & Stephanie Fromm nearly 40 years ago. Fromm was appointed CEO of Maranatha! Music in the early 1970s at the invitation of his uncle Chuck Smith, the well-known pastor of Calvary Chapel. He spent decades at Maranatha! Music, training worship leaders, and starting all sorts of worship-themed initiatives, including Worship Leader Magazine in 1991, which morphed into the website Claiming to coin the phrase ‘Worship Leader, it was first trademarked in 1993, passing through many groups Fromm was involved with, before he ultimately had complete control of it.

Though Fromm passed away in 2020, his wife and estate formed Authentic Media LLC in 2021 to merge all the Fromm’s companies and projects to “create an entity that would house Worship Leader Magazine, Song Discovery, Pray Musically, Worshiper Magazine, Worship Podcast, and Worship Connect brands and bring them under one umbrella.”

Worship Leader’s mission and passion is to exalt God (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) and join those called to lead in sung prayer and the service of worship with the express purpose of building the House of Prayer for all nations (Isa 56:7, Mk 11:17) and generations.

Together with pastors, musicians, scholars, educators, centers of learning, artists, technologists, sound engineers, arrangers, composers, poets, painters, theologians, producers and publishers, we covenant to recover, discover, and share treasures of worship, both old and new and stir the biblical imagination of this and following generations.”

Receiving previous criticism for their litigious actions surrounding the phrase “Worship Leader,” the group released an article in 2022 defending their efforts and offering this backstory and justification for why they go after those using it. Stephanie Fromm, Chuck’s widow, explains:

“The term “Worship Leader” was created as a response from my husband to a need in the church community. It filled the gap between music ministers and the rest of the team. What was the role of this “music” person in the church? It was to lead in worship or to be the worship leader. There are many parts to leading worship. It’s not just singing songs. It includes giving of tithes, spoken prayer, and the teaching of the Word, and we walk in worship every day”

….Chuck was at the beginning of what we now know as modern praise and worship. So, our name is at the heart of the ministry and when Chuck coined the phrase it was to help give significance to these individuals that were being overlooked at churches. We filled the need to explain their calling and label them and be their voice and advocate for them, which we’ve done now for decades.”

She continues:

“Before that time (Editors Note. 1991, when Fromm founded Worship Leader Magazine) , the term “worship leader” was not one commonly used in church ministry. Chuck wanted to cover two main ministry categories: worship and leadership, which is where the magazine, and subsequently an entire role in the church, got its name….we have a long history that goes back to the Jesus Revolution and we’re just fortunate enough that our founder and his team essentially created this term “worship leader” and then trademarked it and built our business off of it.

They note that they have spent “hundreds of thousands of dollars” purchasing the term “Worship Leader” from Maranatha! Music,” defending in court when others seek to use it, and all manner of other associations with it.

“Given that rich history, why wouldn’t we defend our name? Would you be okay with someone impersonating you? Why would we allow someone else to take all that history, the same logo, the same title, and the same calling, and use it for something that doesn’t align with who we are at Worship Leader?


In fact, God has so much creativity that you can lean in on your own gifting and come up with your own name. Additionally, we welcome anyone who wants to work with us in ministry, but not to abuse or take what is not theirs….Sometimes history should be honored and not thrown away because the latest cultural trend disagrees with that history.”

“Worship Leader has a specific mission we feel the Lord has given to us and if another company came along and used our name to do anything close to our mission, but was in fact a completely different business, we would consider that a challenge to the legitimacy of our brand. We feel strongly that Worship Leaders’ mission of empowering the church to build a lifestyle of worship is worth defending, therefore we will continue to defend our trademarks to ensure that there is no brand confusion and that the words “Worship Leader” are synonymous with our mission.”

As far as why they are taking down accounts on social media networks, they are unapologetic. They offer they merely report accounts in they think one has occurred, and the social media giants determine whether or not there is a legitimate violation, not them.

“Regarding social networks, we have no control over their actions as they have their own terms of service that users must abide by, but due to the legal importance of a trademark, they all have trademark infringement claims departments where businesses can submit documentation proving ownership of a trademark and report accounts that violate a trademark.

We have submitted documentation to social networks before when we’ve found businesses to be unresponsive to our request to stop using our property in the form of our trademark. But, the important point here is that we aren’t determining whether or not there is a trademark violation. We are reporting that we feel there is one. Social networks, like Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, etc., determine for themselves based on the evidence we provide whether or not a user account or a piece of content violates a trademark”

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Tyrannical First! Church’s ENTIRE Elder Board Charged for Violating Lockdown Laws, Each Face $10,000 fine

In what is believed to be a first in North America, a Canadian church that gathered for worship in defiance of provincial COVID-19 lockdown laws, which limits church gatherings to 10 people, has had their elder board of six people charged under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27.

If convicted, they could each receive a $10,000 fine.

News of the charges to the elders of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario was delivered on December 30th, when in a coordinated effort, law enforcement officers showed up at each of the homes of the six elders and delivered them the court summons.

In a press release sent out about the incident, the church expressed their dismay and righteous anger at this news:

Our government is destroying our society to prevent the spread of a virus with a fraction of a fractional death rate.  This is evil. Nowhere does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee freedom from risk or virus, but it does protect the freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and assembly.  These are unlawful laws, a violation of God-given rights, a contravention of Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and an infringement of the Charter.

Unsurprisingly, the chief of police who is overseeing and enforcing the lockdown advocated for Black Lives Matter protests several months back when they were similarly prohibited. He supported these gatherings of over 10,000 people, explaining that “we will ensure you have the support needed to practice your democratic right and have your voice heard.”

For churches, not so much.

The press release concludes with these words:

Our Saviour shed His blood to purchase the church, and therefore deeming the church “unessential” is tantamount to deeming the blood of Christ unessential, which is a public act of blasphemy.  One day our elected officials, bureaucrats, and police will stand before the court of God’s justice for these acts.  We earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit would draw them to His Son, Jesus Christ, who offers free grace and forgiveness to all who would repent and put their faith in him.

Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and therefore we must honour and obey him above all earthly governments. We emphasize that our hope in Christ’s goodness is firmly anchored.  Our Saviour is just, equitable, and loving towards his people.  He has every hair on our heads numbered, and his eyes see all things. He will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death, and we will fear no evil.  He has taught us to love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, and to count our sufferings as pure joy.  We embrace his will in humility by submitting to his heavy hand trusting that in the proper time he will exalt us because he cares.

Featured News Righteous Defiance Shutdown

#BigEva and WokeFolk are Lying About the Reason Idaho Hymn Worshippers were Arrested

As news breaks nationally and internationally about the arrest of several congregants at Christ Church’ Psalm Sing, an event designed to be a brief time of public worship (three songs and a doxology) that took place at Moscow’s City Hall and attended by nearly 150 Christians singing acapella hymns, the usual mélange of harpies and professional tut-tutters have perked up and come out to play.

Predictably, out of their indignant displeasure for what one has called ‘Muscovite cultists’, one of the biggest falsehoods being passed around is that the congregants were arrested for not showing his ID to the police. Critics have been making the case they purposefully provoked the officers by not giving their ID, that they were arrested for not giving their ID, and that if only they would have shown their precious identification and complied with all Law Enforcement Officer directives they would have not been arrested.

The narrative is this: ‘You are not being persecuted and your rights are not under attack. You are being arrested for not showing your ID, and not some perceived slight or ‘violation of your constitutional rights.’

While it is true that at least some of the arrested attendees did not give their identification, reasoning that they were not committing a crime by singing worship publicly and therefore the police had to right to ask them that, that’s not the reason they were arrested. They were specifically arrested for violating “PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY ORDER No. 20.03”

By way of background, the city passed that ordinance back in July and then announced on Monday that they were extending the mask mandate until at least January 5th, 2021. On Tuesday Gabe Rench, one of the men eventually arrested, emailed the chief asking him to refuse to enforce the order, telling him this was his “Daniel Moment” and pleaded for interposition and for the chief to stand up for them. On Wednesday they had Psalm Sing, with Pastor Doug Wilson telling attendees that if they didn’t plan on social distancing during the event, they may get a ticket or get arrested.

Rench explains what happened with his arrest- comments edited slightly for clarity.

“The cops just walked up to me and my mom first because we were kind of the closest to them- they weren’t signaling anybody else. And they asked my mom ‘are you guys together?’ and my mom’s like ‘we’re family’ and she grabs my arm. And then I grabbed my buddy Tyler’s arm…and I said to the cops ‘but we’re not.’

After that, the cop came to talk to me and said ‘give me a license, I’m going to write you a ticket.’ So I said to the cop ‘you don’t need to do this, you don’t need to write me a ticket.’  And the cop repeated himself ‘give me your license.’ And I said ‘look, you’re better than this. It’s your job to actually defend the people… your job is for the citizens, not the mayor.’

And so we kind of went back and forth on this, and then he said ‘this is my last time. I’m gonna arrest you’ and I said, ‘you don’t need to do this’ And then I looked at [Police Chief James Fry] as they’re starting to arrest me, (They’ve had Chief Fry in the studio before and have met in person) and told him this could be his ‘Daniel Moment.’

As Rench was taken into custody, one of the videographers asked what crime he was charged with. Officer Thueson answers:

He’s been charged with a violation of the city’s ordinance 20-03

According to the ordinance:

“Every person in the city of Moscow must wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth when in any indoor or outdoor public setting where the 6-foot physical distancing is not able to be maintained with non-household members.”

In accordance with Moscow City Code Section 1-11-10, any person who knowingly violates the provisions of this order may be charged with a misdemeanor. The maximum penalties for this offense are up to 6 months in the county jail and a $1,000 fine.

Not only do we have confirmation from the arresting officer, but we also have their police report from the city of Moscow. Notice how there is nothing about the refusal to show an ID or resisting arrest.

Contrary to unpopular wokefolk opinion, this story is as egregious as it sounds, and the violation of social distancing, not the refusal to present ID, is the reason at the worshippers were arrested.

Update 1: from a press release by the city:

“Upon confirmation that the individuals were unwilling to comply with the Order by either social distancing from non-household members or wearing a face covering, five attendees were cited for violating the Order. Of those cited, two individuals were also cited for Resisting and Obstructing, and three individuals were arrested and released from custody the same day. The five individuals that received citations will be prosecuted according to law. “

Church Featured Righteous Defiance

John MacArthur to Congregation: ‘You People are Getting Me into a Lot of Trouble’

Pastor John McArthur received another standing ovation from his congregation yesterday, with everyone standing and cheering for nearly 30 seconds as he made his way to the pulpit and shared a short pre-sermon address.

Macarthur will frequently use this ‘opening comments time’ to give an update on the current court case or to share information or brief thoughts with the congregation on current events or other things related to the day or to the church. These are not always captured as part of the online sermons that get posted, and so our friends at Bible Thumping Wingnut has recorded them and posted the video below, which we’ve transcribed.

“You people are getting me in a lot of trouble.” [Laughter and cheers from congregation]

Welcome to Grace Community Church on this Lord’s day. Psalms 67 says

God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us— 
That Your way may be known on the earth,
Your salvation among all nations.
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You.
Let the nations be glad and sing for joy;
For You will judge the peoples with uprightness
And guide the nations on the earth. 
Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You.

God blesses us, till all the ends of the earth may fear him.

Father, we offer you our worship in this hour. As those who come before you unworthy, and yet joyfully welcome because we come in the Saviors name. Bless our fellowship and our worship together. Amen.

While not much to update in this case, we don’t know of the ‘You people are getting me in a lot of trouble.’ is related simply to the fines they are incurring, or something else.

Meanwhile, one of the special counsels representing MacArthur and Grace Church, who also happens to be one of President Trump’s Lawyers, pointed out that hundreds were gathering to mourn the loss of Chief Justice Ruth Ginsberg. She noted they were gathering in large groups without adhering to social distancing, which was fine to her, but like large BLM protests, these are encouraged and allowed while churches remain closed. It needed not be said that if the church gathered in the way that these mourners did, they would be in contravention to Governor Gavin Newsom’s lockdown orders and would be fined.

While Grace church was fined another 500$ this week for gathering, an appeal is expected from GCC early this week and we will also be informed as to what further consequences the Los Angeles County and the Judge will impose on the church for ignoring the court’s orders prohibiting them from gathering if it will be simply monetarily punitive, or if the threat of arrest is legitimately on the table.