
Leaders for the General Missionary Baptist Convention Of Georgia (GMBC) Preemptively Declare Victory for Raphael Warnock

The General Missionary Baptist Convention Of Georgia is a dumpster fire of compromise and effete men, seen strikingly in their declarations and decrees that God has secured victory for Senator Raphael Warnock at the denomination’s annual session.

For reference, Warnock (D-GA) is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who denies the resurrection of Jesus and tweets out things like this:

During the session, GMBC president Anthony Corbett introduces him in glowing terms, reinforcing the notion that the denomination is all about Warnock and voting him in.

“We’re grateful to have our Senator with us today. I said OUR senator, in the person of Senator Reverend Dr Raphael Warnock, amen. And I’ll say more about the voting, but we want to pause for a few minutes to allow him to come before us and speak to our convention. We are grateful to be represented in all 159 counties but the time has come not to just represent, we got to be about it, amen? And I’ll say more about it, but Senator Warnock, we got you back. We got you back. I’m talking to GMBC.”

After a speech, where Warnock tells them “your adversary sees your power and so you’ve got to exercise it, pastors preach the gospel of voting rights” he is publicly prayed for:

We come now Master praying for this our brother, Pastor Warnock. We know that you have called him and anointed him for such a time as this. And God, we ask now that you would throw your hedge of protection around him. Protect him from all of the arrows and the darts of Satan. God, we know he has faith, because he preaches about you day in and day out, not only with his lips but with his life.

…we know Master that he’s being led by you, and as long as you’re leading, we know that everything will be all right. God we pray now for the citizens of Georgia, that we take it not for granted and that we will get up and go and vote in this runoff election. We just counted a victory already, and we’re going to praise you now for the answer that is already on its way. But God, even though we know that the victory is there, we’re going to put feet and hands to the victory. God we’re going to encourage others to go out and do the right thing.”

h/t Woke Preacher TV

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

John MacArthur’s Church Set to Win $800,000 Settlement From County For Shutdown Scheme

The legal battle between John MacArthur and Los Angeles County is set to come to a close next week, with the government poised to pay Grace Community Church 800k in legal fees and compensation for repeatedly taking them to court last summer and seeking to shut them down.

Last year MacArthur and Grace Community Church (CGC) made national news and became the face of the movement of congregations that refused to shut down its services, insisting on having them in person, in their church building, unmasked, in violation of California lockdown laws.

In response to their biblical and principled stand, the County got a court order against GCC, demanding they stop. Instead of submitting to the government’s will, the church deliberately continued to have church services and disregarded an injunction issued against them. The County wanted them to be found in contempt for flouting the injunction, but the church argued that the injunction was granted on the faulty premise of an unconstitutional order, and should have rightly been ignored.

Rather than adjudicate the contempt charges, GCC lawyers argued that MacArthur and GCC were first entitled to a full-blown trial on the merits of their lawsuit challenging Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, proposing that “a final determination on the constitutionality of the orders must occur before the County could seek contempt against MacArthur for merely holding church.”

The Judge agreed, allowing GCC to continue meeting while the contempt charges were pursued, which took several months. Before the case could be adjudicated, the Supreme Court ruled that California’s lockdown rules against churches were indeed unconstitutional, effectively ending the ability of the County to come against them.

But MacArthur and GCC did not simply passively defend against the lawsuit when they were first threatened, but also countersued the state and city officials, claiming that their first amendment rights were violated.

They’ve now seen the fruits of their labor.

In a recent letter to supporters of the John MacArthur Charitable Trust, MacArthur called the County’s decision to back down, pay all their legal fees, and drop all charges a “monumental victory for Grace Community Church” and explained that “We know that there is no circumstance that can cause the church to close. The church is not only a building but is the bride of Christ and exists to proclaim the truth.”