cancel culture Evangelical Stuff News

Twitter Suspends Lifesite News for ‘Misgendering’ Transgendered Politician

Twitter has continued its trend of science-denying activism by suspending two of Lifesite News’ accounts for the sin of calling President Biden’s Assistant Secretary of Health a “man.”

Both their main account and their “We Can Defend Marriage” account received the banhammer for tweeting about transgendered politician Rachel Levine, who is most definitely a man but believes he’s a woman.

Biden names transgender ‘woman’ as Assistant Secretary of Health. ‘Rachel’ Levine is a father of two who divorced his wife in 2013 after 30 years of marriage.

Certainly provocative in our day and age, and also 100 percent true.

Lifesite’s YouTube channel also received a 2-week ban a few days ago for one of their videos on vaccines, which the media giant says violated its’ “community guidelines.”

It is not the first time Lifesite have been axed for going against Twitter’s rules on junk science. They recently spent almost a year locked out of their feed for tweeting out an article that was negative towards transgender activist “wax-my-private-area-or-I’ll-sue-you ‘Jessica’ Yaniv.”

Lifesite has no plans to relent and take down their post.

[Editor’s note: Lifesite should follow the appeals process, and if Twitter won’t give up its’ moronic stance, then it should be pursued legally.]

abortion Featured

Kanye West Releases Flurry of Emotional Tweets on Abortion, Planned Parenthood

Yesterday, music sensation Kanye West released several tweets on the horrors of the abortion – a topic that he has been gravitating towards discussing these past few weeks. The posts follow another collection of now since-deleted ones, where he also posted images of a 6-month-old baby in the womb and said, “these souls deserve to live.”

The new round is particularly poignant, as he lists how many black babies have been killed by abortion in the last year – a staggering amount, and then makes a callback to an incident he had last week, where during one of his rallies he broke down in tears, publicly weeping in front of everyone as he pondered the horror of abortion and his history with it, saying at that time:

“My dad wanted to abort me. My mom saved my life. There would have been no Kanye West, because my dad was too busy”

“I almost killed my daughter…So even if my wife were to divorce me after this speech, she brought North into the world, even when I didn’t want to,” he added. “She stood up, and she protected that child.”

Kanye West announced that he was a born again Christian last year and has been battling mental health issues, including bipolar disease. Please pray for Kanye, that his conversion is genuine, and that he continues to grow in the Lord.