
Erin Coates Glorifies Christ on Tucker Carlson

Erin Coates, wife of imprisoned pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church appeared on Tucker Carlson to do a brief segment on how her husband is doing and their thoughts on what is motivating the government to keep him locked up.

Speaking on how he is handling things, she says that the food issues continue to be a struggle, as he has food sensitivities that the wrong nutrition can exacerbate, but that otherwise, he has other struggles that they are seeking the Lord on.

He’s a shepherd. He’s a Bible teacher. He’s a theologian. He’s not able to shepherd the people he loves. He’s not able to challenge his mind. He’s not able to serve in the way that he loves to serve people, so this is hard on him.

Declaring that his present state is such obvious tyranny, Carlson inquires whether not any authorities or politicians have come to her direct aid, and whether or not she still recognizes her country.

Sure. I think that there are actually some (Members of Parliament) and (Members of the Legislative Assembly) behind the scenes that are trying to help us, but other than that I think their hands are tied…

I think we’re like a boiling frog for a while. I think our freedoms have just slowly been stripped from us so slowly over time that we didn’t even realize it, and so when something like a Health Order is put in place that takes away your freedoms, it’s not shocking to people.

And it really should be shocking to people that there is a pastor in jail right now who’s given his life to sacrifice to love other people, to worship God. That’s not shocking to a lot of people and it really should be.

We are on a dangerous road right now, and just because we’ve been in the pot for so long, boiling, that people aren’t really realizing the danger that we’re facing as a nation.

Tucker closes by asking her if she believed her husband was singled out for arrest because he is a Christian pastor.

Well, I have to believe that the enemy is singling him out. We have a real enemy who really hates the Lord Jesus Christ and really hates the blood-bought body that he purchased on the cross and has given new life to. Yes, we have an absolute real enemy and he uses people to target the ministers of God. We know that through scripture. we know that through church history, and so I really believe that they are being targeted in our country.

Writing on Instagram two days ago, Erin explained that this was not her best interview, being terrified of being on national TV and seen by millions, but that she is confident the Lord will use it to his glory. She writes:

I couldn’t see anything but my own face and Tucker talking in my ear (I do much better seeing peoples faces), I didn’t know the questions before hand and just as I got comfortable with the questions we were finished! Man I have so much respect for people doing those interviews. Such a learning experience for me to get out everything I can even if a question isn’t directed to what I want to say. The interview started with a clip of James’ sermon which made me super emotional. Oh well, I rest in the fact that what I said was ordained before the foundation of the world. I was so nervous I can’t even remember what I said. I pray it glorifies Christ and gets the word out.