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ERLC Finally Owns Revoice, Promoting Founder in ‘Parent’s Guide to Gender’

After years of denial and feigned ignorance, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) – the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), has finally taken ownership of the LGBTQ-affirming organization Revoice.

They have released their new “Parent’s Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Gender,” which prominently and affirmingly features author and founder Nate Collins in the endnotes, repeatedly quoting All but Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality.

Rev. Thomas Littleton of Thirty Pieces of Silver provides us with the references.

  • 4) See Nate Collins, All but Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the
    Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2017), 208.
  • 7) Collins, All but Invisible, 212.
  • 23) Collins, All but Invisible, 218–19.
  • 26) Collins, All but Invisible, 220. Also see Walker, God and the TransgenderDebate, 33–35.
  • 38) Collins, All but Invisible, 9.

For some brief background, Nate Collins is the founder of the widely-condemned-by-conservatives Revoice Conference (They had a talk called “Queer Theory and The Treasures of Queer Culture and Queer Literature” and “What queer treasure, honor, and glory will be brought into the New Jerusalem at the end of time?”).

He describes himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage,” did his dissertation at Al Mohler’s SBTS, arguing that “virgin” is a third gender in the scriptures, has a knack for liking gay art, and made grotesquely unbiblical statements in Christianity Today.

Whereas Collins’ conference was once condemned by the ERLC and prominent southern baptists, it appears they’ve buried the hatchet and are now freely quoting him, including his trope about how hypocrisy in the church cripples the ability to care for others and rants:

Many gay people sense a double standard when Christian leaders routinely (and loudly) denounce same-gender sex while quietly ignoring morally lax attitudes toward other areas of sexual ethics. In an era when pornography and serial monogamy are both common occurrences, some gay people…feel hurt, misunderstood, and judged when Christian leaders harp instead on the evils of the ‘gay agenda.’

We await with bated breath to see where else Nate Collins and Revoice-positive material will pop up on the ERLC’s pages.