
Ed Litton’s Young Co-Pastor Also Plagiarizes Greear

A newly released side-by-side video shows Ed Litton’s co-pastor likewise plagiarizing his sermons from JD Greear; leading one to wonder if it’s time that Redemption Church fires the pastors and becomes a satellite campus of Summit Church; cutting a few salaries and piping in the preaching directly from the source.

Reformation Charlotte, a sister site to Protestia who has been leading the way and doing the yeoman’s work in breaking this whole Litton thing wide open, shows the sermon preached by Taylor Anderson, the former Student Pastor who just last year stepped into the role as their West Campus Pastor. In the video showing a sermon from Romans 12, Anderson lifts stories, illustrations, anecdotes, and the sermon structure itself directly from Greear.

Jeff Maples, the video collator, points out that unlike Litton, Anderson wasn’t so nakedly brash in this thievery

“Interestingly, however, this young pastor did a better job of rearranging Greear’s points to make it less blatant, and, as well, he did add a few extra points to give it some substance. Nonetheless, the parts he plagiarized are clear.”

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Ed Litton and published at