
Nearly 1 in 10 ‘Christian’ Colleges/ Universities Have Ties To Planned Parenthood +25% Of Offenders Offer Abortion Clinic Internships

Students for Life of America released the findings of their investigation of hundreds of colleges and universities affiliated with Christian churches in the United States, called the 2024 Christian Schools Project, to see which ones have ties to the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, and the results are disappointing. According to their report:

The Pro-Life Generation’s (PLG) Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement investigated 732 colleges and universities affiliated with Christian churches in the United States for the fourth year in a row, finding that 83, or one in eleven Christian schools, maintain some type of relationship with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion vendor.

For their purposes, a “Christian school” was defined as “an institution of higher education affiliated with a Christ-centered denomination and publicly claiming historical Christian faith in its founding.”

They found that not only have “Christian schools have steadily increased their support of Planned Parenthood by 10% each year since 2022,” but that “an additional investigation into each school’s
staffing revealed a startling number of professors with individual connections to the abortion industry, hinting at a more insidious problem brewing at Christian schools that suggests their staffing choices do not reflect the foundational values of their institutions.”

Key Findings – 2024 Report

  • Christian schools’ support for abortion has increased annually by 10% since 2022 in the wake of Roe‘s reversal.
  • One in eleven Christian schools maintained some type of relationship with Planned Parenthood.
  • Nearly half (42%) of the infractions overall were Christian schools referring students to Planned Parenthood as a “health resource.”
  • 12 Christian schools removed ties to the abortion industry after initial contact with researchers in 2024. 54 total connections have been severed since the start of this study in 2021.
  • 65 professors at Christian schools have a connection to the abortion industry through events or publications and 14 of those professors have been directly affiliated with abortion industry leaders like Planned Parenthood through previous employment or board positions.

The project grades colleges and universities on a point system, where any tie or link to the abortion giant would result in infractions, such as:

  • An internship opportunity that recommended or credited work at Planned Parenthood or another local abortion vendor was actively promoted on the school’s website.
  • Planned Parenthood or another local abortion vendor was publicized as a health resource where students could procure services.
  • Planned Parenthood was identified as a class resource.
  • Events featuring Planned Parenthood or an abortion industry entity from 2020 onward were advertised on the school’s website.
  • Planned Parenthood or another local abortion vendor were discussed/published as a volunteer opportunity.
  • Planned Parenthood was touted as a future career opportunity.
  • The school administration or an academic department (i.e., “Women and Gender Studies”) published direct support of Planned Parenthood or abortion in general

The results are abysmal but unsurprising, with denominations like the PCUSA, ELCA, Roman Catholic Church, Methodist, United Church of Christ, Quaker, and Disciples of Christ being extensively represented.

Notably, 25% of these schools with infractions offer internships or possible future careers with Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers. Some examples of infractions include:

At Augsburg University, affiliated with the ELCA, NARAL is listed as an internship opportunity for Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s studies majors.

Boston College, a Roman Catholic Institution, received an “F” for multiple infractions, such as ” hosting a 2021 event featuring Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice panelists without pro-life representation” and hosting a “2023 event featuring a speaker from the Center for Reproductive Rights”

At Agnes Scott College (GA), Presbyterian Church (USA), Planned Parenthood is listed as a health resource and the college released a pro-abortion statement on the overturning of Roe.

At Carroll University (WI), Presbyterian Church (USA), Planned Parenthood is listed as an internship opportunity for political science majors.

At Drew University (NJ)- Methodist, Planned Parenthood is also listed as an internship opportunity Women and Gender’s Studies majors.

And on and on and on. You can see the full list of infractions here.

The Mainline denominations are entirely lost, and their colleges and seminaries only serve to entrench and ingrain them into demonic ideologies where the corruption of their soul reigns supreme. Look no further than this report.

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Video: 10 Officers Swarm and Arrest Pro-Life Students for Chalking Public Sidewalk in Front of DC Planned Parenthood

Police Officers gathered en masse and arrested two pro-life students for peacefully writing “pre-born lives matter” with washable chalk on a public sidewalk, with over 10 officers and 6 police cars and police vans on-site waiting to arrest anyone else joining in.

The two Students For Life members who are as of yet unnamed, made brief statements for the cameras before engaging in their shocking criminal enterprises, declaring:

I’m with Students for Life and we have a nice army of profilers for life. We are on the side of God’s truth. They are a culture of death, and we’re going to expose their lies, deceit, and all negativity that they constantly hurt women.


Planned Parenthood is a racist organization. We are here today to show that. Ok? We are standing with black pre-born lives matter. This is government censorship if we were writing black lives matter, we would not be in this position.

The duo informed that they would simply be doing “sidewalk chalking” as is their custom to do every Saturday, and would be writing on public property in front of Planned Parenthood using washable chalk.

As they began to write, barely getting a “preborn..” out on the concrete, an officer came up and said:

Ok Folks, I need to tell you now that if you continue chalking, you’re going to be placed under arrest for defacing property. If you continue chalking, you’re going to be placed under arrest.”

The students continued writing, getting a few more letters out, when they were approached by police, handcuffed, and led off to a police van, where they were hauled away to the station.

There is no word on what they are being charged with yet.

The longer, full, and uncut video can be seen here at Breitbart.