
Christian Men’s Conference Feature Black Panther, Motocross, and a Tank Driven by Chuck Norris Crushing Cars While ‘Danger Zone’ Plays

The 2023 Stronger Men’s Conference, which “exists to empower and motivate men to live out God’s view of manhood and be the best husbands, fathers, and leaders God has called them to be.” has come to a close. It features men like John Lindell, Levi Lusko, Craig Groschell, and Missouri State Senator Josh Hawley. According to the promo material, next year’s conference will be headlined by Mark Driscoll.

As part of Friday night’s entertainment, they frequently have large events, having featured bull-riding, strong-man shows, motocross, dunk contests, and cage fighting, with some of their past highlights seen below.

This time, they had an acrobat on a giant wheel, a fight scene with the Black Panther screaming; ‘Wakanda Forever’ a man doing stunts on a motorbike, and then a tank flattening some cars while the band plays the Top Gun theme song/ Kenny Loggins ‘Danger Zone’ mashup.

Though they allege that the 83 year old Chuck Norris’ is driving the tank while firing Uzi’ as flame cannons go off…. we cannot substantiate that it was actually him.

It’s a trip.