
Video: Hillsong Pastor Says he has the ‘Hillsong Starter Pack’: Fedora, Leather, Boots, Skinny Jeans, and Hot Wife

The BBC has released a new documentary on Hillsong Church featuring the global megachurch and the ups and downs they’ve been having over the course of a scandal-riddled year. The video is currently only available for UK audiences who have a subscription to the BBC channel, but journalist Julie Roys shared a video clip from the show that is raising a few eyebrows.

In the clip, Hillsong London youth pastor Daniel Blythe, after he takes his leadership team under-30’s to a tattoo parlor to get matching ’70×7″ tattoos (a reference we assume to Matthew 18:21-22, we would imagine) later heads to a photoshoot where he speaks candidly about the ethos and image that they are trying to purposefully present as part of the ‘Hillsong look:’

We’re the ones that God has empowered. We’re the ones God’s using. Everyone has a role, everyone has responsibility. If you do want to experience Jesus, we know how you can experience Jesus

The style of our church has been thought through and it’s aimed to engage young people and communicate the message of Christ to young people. I’m in the full Hillsong starter pack; I’ve got the fedora got the leather got the boots and the skinnies (skinny jeans)

Wife Charlie “and a beautiful wife on his arm!”

….The highlight for me is not when people join the church, but it’s when people encounter Jesus. It’s like if I found the cure to cancer, you know you’d be excited, you’d be given out to everyone because you’d want to see people healed and it’s exactly the same.

Heavenly Father we thank you that you sent Jesus, so that Jesus could show us how to live fearless. We pray today that we will transform into your likeness, amen.

…You see, we get told between 10 and 200 lies a day. But the good news is today, you are gathering together with a load of people who know the truth, because the truth will set you free.

….If you come to our church you will just see a lot of people, young people, and I guess the question would be like ‘why do they come to Hillsong and maybe not another church where it’s hymns?’ And I don’t want to disrespect any church that sings hymns, but you might as well sing in Spanish because they don’t understand hymns.