
Global Senior Leaders of ‘Hillsong-Like’ ‘Neuma Church’ Resign After Sexual Misconduct

A month after global senior leaders Corey and Simone Turner suddenly resigned from Neuma Church, a multi-site, multi-country megachurch based in Australia, they have revealed publicly that their parting ways with the church was the result of an adulterous sexual affair by Corey.

The Turners became the new senior leaders of the church shortly before the pandemic. With 9 million dollars in yearly revenue from nine campuses across the world, the Australian-based church was frequently compared with Hillsong, being similar in theology, ideology, and plans for aggressive global expansion.

Following their initial, sudden resignation, Neuma Church board member Jacomi Du Prezz said they were leaving because “their health and well being is such that they are no longer able to function in these roles.” Almost instantly, however, rumors began to swirl that their departure was the result of Corey having a sexual relationship with Stacey Hilliar, another pastor on staff.

These rumors have now been confirmed. Writing on her Instagram, Simone reveals a statement from her husband, who hedges his bets with a bunch of excuses, explaining that towards the end of 2023, “I didn’t sufficiently guard my heart, reach out for help from trusted spiritual fathers, take decisive action or get the necessary rest I needed from compounding levels of fatigue in my own soul.” As a result: “In a fog of deception that clouded my emotions and judgment, I sinned and compromised my relationship with God.”

Saying that he’s grateful for his wife and kids (at least is now, anyway), Corey explains that he and his wife are receiving support and direction from spiritual leaders who will heal and “restore us” as he confronts “the errors of my own heart and receiving ministry for the unhealed soul wounds that have contributed to my actions.

We’ll call it here.

He’ll be restored and starting up a new church in under 18 months. Mark it!