
Prophet Claims A Crow Shapeshifted into a Naked Man Before His Eyes, Causing 50,000 Muslims to Become Christians

Jerame Nelson is an author, evangelist, founder of the Elisha Revolution, and an inveterate liar. Closely associated with the New Apostolic Reformation, he recently started his own church, which was “Birthed out of the Fire & Glory Outpouring, where over 1800 nights of extended revival have powered a movement of transformation across the globe, including millions saved, healed, and delivered.”

One memorable incident that showcases Jerame Nelson’s “unique” approach to worship and prayer was when he introduced the concept of the ‘Holy Ghost Hokey-Pokey’ to a packed crowd. He claimed it was an anointed worship and prayer song, and that several weeks prior, 40 people were healed while they worshiped to it. He then led everyone in a historically embarrassing and weird performance of the song.

During a recent show with Arch-heretic enable Sid Roth, Nelson claimed that he once led 50,000 Muslims to Christ after they watched him turn a crow in a tree into a man, who then fell out of the tree naked on account of actually being a shapeshifting witch doctor disguised as a bird. It’s crazy, but Roth eats it up and plays along with glee because, unlike what Dr, Michael Brown claims about him, he is a wicked and dishonest man who enjoys when Christ is mocked.

We were in Malawi, Africa doing a healing festival with about  80,000 people,  most of them Muslims.  And anyway, I got up to speak,  and when I got up,  it was like the heavens opened.  All these angels began to come down,  and the Holy Spirit said to me,  take authority over witchcraft.  And as I got up, it was interesting because there was this tree that was on the side of the stage, and there was this bird,  a crow that was up there,  and he was calling away.  And as I took authority over the witchcraft,  and I said the name of Jesus,

listen,  this crow morphed into a man,  fell out of the tree,  and the man was naked and ran off into the woods.  And what’s wild about that is that there are shapeshifting witch doctors in that region,  and most people were terrified of them.  But because the Lord knocked that guy out of that shapeshifting appearance,  over 50,000 Muslims gave their lives to Jesus that night.

h/t Revealing Truth on Youtube


Watch the First 11 minutes of Arch-Heretic Sid Roth’s Animated Show About His Biblical Adventures

“What if I did a cartoon series for children that would teach the invisible world, the supernatural?” Sid Roth

NAR grandpappy Sid Roth is continually up to no good. When he’s not recounting wacky tales of Charismatic gaucherie or platforming every wild-eyed charismatic with a prophecy, a potion, or a ploy to push, he’s telling tall tales about how he saw a kid starting flying around the room during a revival, claiming he can convert Jews to the faith with 95% success rate, and praising a revivalist who punched a baby and then threw it against a wall to heal it. This is all the while being vigorously defended and praised by wormsy men like Dr. Michael Brown.

To combat the transmischief from Disney, Sid Roth announced the releasing an animated children’s series that he’ll star in. The premise of the show is straightforward: using some mystical glasses that will transport characters to ancient Jerusalem, Roth will be a first-century tour guide, teaching stories from the bible from his own outlandish perspective. 

Well, he’s made good on that promise, releasing the first 11 minutes of episode one. In a masterclass of self-promotion, we see a family sitting down together with a big bowl of popcorn to watch their uncle Sid’s TV show, It’s Supernatural, and then later visiting him in person to talk about it, which is when they get transported. Take a look:


Arch-Heretic Sid Roth Starring in Animated Show About His Biblical Adventures

“What if I did a cartoon series for children that would teach the invisible world, the supernatural?” Sid Roth

NAR grandpappy Sid Roth is continually up to no good. When he’s not recounting wacky tales of Charismatic gaucherie or platforming every wild-eyed charismatic with a prophecy, a potion, or a ploy to push, he’s telling tall tales about how he saw a kid starting flying around the room during a revival, claiming he can convert Jews to the faith with 95% success rate, and praising a revivalist who punched a baby and then threw it against a wall to heal it. This is all the while being vigorously defended and praised by wormsy men like Dr. Michael Brown.

To combat the transmischief from Disney, Sid Roth announced he is releasing an animated children’s series that he’ll star in. The premise of the show is straightforward: using some mystical glasses that will transport characters to ancient Jerusalem, Roth will be a first-century tour guide, teaching stories from the bible from his own outlandish perspective. He explains in the promo materialB

“With your help, we are developing Supernatural Sid, an animated Bible series to teach children how to have an intimate experiential knowledge of God. They will not only learn to explore the greatest life-changing stories in the Bible, but they will understand how to walk in the supernatural of God and operate in the gifts of the Spirit to win every battle they face!

Given his track record, we couldn’t think of anything worse.


Dr. Michael Brown Blasts Critics Who Call False Teachers ‘Loons and Hucksters’

During the October 20 Line of Fire, Jim Osman (author of God Doesn’t Whisper) called into Michael Brown’s show and criticized him for platforming the worst of the worst of charismatic ne’er do wells, telling him, “I would say that you have given a lot of shade, in fact, shade to some of the worst and most egregious charismatics, charlatans, false prophets, and hucksters that the charismatic movement has turned up in recent years, including Sid Roth and Benny Hinn and others just like it.”

Osman is not wrong. The Heterodox Research Initiative (HRI) explains it this way:

One major red flag about Michael Brown is who and what he won’t give a red flag. Michael Brown would never tell someone to avoid watching Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural because it’s spiritually toxic and dangerous.

Sid Roth is the Johnny Carson of the cuckoo, strange, weird, toxic and dangerous wing of charismania. Once you’re on his show, you gain a lot of credibility in charismania circles.

…Most episodes of It’s SuperNatural are infomercials for the guest to pitch their products. The products usually teach the viewer some spiritual trick to achieve a breakthrough, healing, miracles, manifestations of God’s presence, wealth, and you get the idea. For a donation, viewers are granted access to toxic and dangerous materials that do nothing but exploit them and sink their souls deeper into the cesspool of charismania.

Unsurprisingly, Brown used his mic to repeatedly talk over and bully the guest while clutching his pearls at the thought that someone would dare suggest that the paragon of pentecostal virtue Sid Roth would ever be considered less than the finest specimen of Godliness that Christianity has to offer. From our perspective, NAR grandpappy Sid Roth is continually up to no good. When he’s not platforming every wild-eyed charismatic with a prophecy, a potion, or a ploy to push, he’s telling tall tales about how he saw a kid starting flying around the room during a revival, claiming he can convert Jews to the faith with 95% success rate, and praising a revivalist who punched a baby and then threw it against a wall to heal it. We digress.

Brown then goes on the attack in a particular way – if you call someone a false prophet, Brown will instantly dispute this and take over the conversation by making it the center focus. For Brown, labeling someone a “false teacher” is the ultimate pejorative that means they are damned to hell, resulting in Brown aggressively questioning how one can have certainty a Sid Roth or a Benny Hinn is hellbound.

For this reason, when talking to Brown, rather than saying “false prophet” or “false teacher,” – frame it as “one who routinely, chronically, repeatedly teaches or platforms gross theological error and is unable to handle the scriptures properly.” You likely won’t get much further because even with someone like Todd Bentley, Brown never condemned his blasphemous theology, only his personal life choices, but it will take away the main and primary weapons that he uses to club his critics with. (Dr. James White, take note.)

Well, that’s where you really need to grow in discernment because you have no right whatsoever to make that statement. And there are believers who have made a profit off the gospel and repented of it and said that was an error as Benny Hinn has done in recent years and spoken very plainly about serious errors that were in his ministry. [Editor’s note: Benny Hinn said he made errors, and then within two weeks, he was back to the same old prosperity preaching.]

Osmand points out that Dr. Brown is begging the question by assuming that Hinn is a Christian and that Jim is wrong, which then causes Brown to again assert that claims of “false teacher = damned to hell.”

Brown: Jim, as far as I know, from the time I spent with him, one on one, from hearing his profession of faith, from people that I know that have worked with him in his own family, for many, many years that know him far better than Costi Hinn [Benny Hinn’s nephew that used to work for him and is now a reformed Baptist pastor in AZ] know him. As far as I know, he’s a believer who’s been in serious error, who has taught some serious error, and has repented of teaching that serious error. As far as I know, he’s your brother. But see here, here’s the big error. This is the massive blind spot. And may God help you with this, Jim, the extreme judgementalism that would that would damn someone to hell based on no personal knowledge of that person’s walk. Or, for example, Sid Roth. Do you believe is Sid Roth was to die right now, he would go to hell?

Jim: “I do. I have no reason to believe that he is in any way a genuine believer. He is the looniest of the looniest charismatic charlatans and hucksters…” [Editor’s note: Fact check: true. Hero move.]

Brown: When you slander a brother, calling him a charlatan and huckster – I’ve known Sid since the 1980s. I’ve had family members that have worked side by side with him. He’s neither charlatan nor a huckster; he has not accumulated personal wealth through the gospel. He does not use the gospel for personal gain. I don’t agree with certain guests that he has on; I would differ with him on different points. But I have walked with Him and seen his heart for the Lord for decades in this godly life.

I’ve never met a person in America who is more zealous to win people to Jesus, who will call me with biblical questions to make sure that fundamentals are right on. So when you make a judgment, not based on scripture, but based on your perception, and you think that you have the right to damn someone to hell, that’s very serious and that is such an extraordinary blind spot to me that you and other hyper critics don’t see that. That grieves me terribly.

Here’s someone I’ve known, firsthand shared office space within the 80s and I’ve known for decades, and in terms of his personal life, has never moved a single inch from wanting to glorify God, demonstrate his power and win people to the Lord, especially Jewish people.

Yeah, there are guests he has on I’d never have on my show and differences I have over that. [Editor’s note: Really? Like that so-called Christian tarot card reader you gave the right hand of fellowship to a couple of years ago that we wrote about and that you can read about here?] But that doesn’t make me question whether he is saved or not, but when you call him a charlatan and a huckster, right, he’s not. He’s neither. I know him. I know his staff. I know his team. He’s not this. Now you may say, ‘he has crazy guests on. I think he believes crazy things’ – but to call him a charlatan and a huckster, you have no knowledge or evidence of that. Doesn’t it concern you to speak such words like that and to judge others in such a severe way? Does that trouble you at all? Does that give you pause for thought?

After Jim responds, Brown continues to take offense at calling Sid Roth a huckster and a charlatan, declaring, “I know it for a fact. I know it for a fact he’s neither of those things.” Jim points out that Roth platforms and promotes “some of the stupidest and most inane things to ever disgrace” the public view of Christianity.

Brown declares, “Sid genuinely believes in the things that he promotes otherwise he won’t promote them,” as if that’s some kind of defense, while reiterating his long-standing assertion that “I’ve been bringing critique and concern to the charismatic movement for decades,” even though the only person he’s ever named as problematic is Todd Bentley, having a pathological inability to name names. Brown routinely reassures critics of kooky charismatics that this or that person is legitimate and is being misrepresented because he’s “spoken to them privately” and gained gnostic knowledge about how much they in fact, love the Lord as if that helps anyone without access which only hears and sees publicly.

Unfortunately, Osman did not get a chance to ask him, “Why wouldn’t you have the same guests he has on his show? Why do you ‘disagree’ with some of the guests he has on? Are you suggesting that the guests he has on are hucksters and charlatans, but Sid is not? What does it say about Roth that he would promote and platform the guests that you yourself would never have on? Is Roth complicit in promoting guests and speakers and shilling their books and wares that are about as crazy as a rat in a coffee can?”

We’d love to know.

Bonus, remember when Brown issued a wager to complementarians, putting up his prophets of baal two most famed charismatic sorcerers prophets Chuck Pierce and Tracy Cook, who said that COVID-19 would begin diminishing by April 16, 2020. You can read about that here: 120 Days in, Dr. Michael Brown Silent on Failed, Wagered Charismatic COVID-19 Prophecies. As can be expected, he never followed up with his wager and as far as we know, never spoke about it again.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Charismatic says Witches Snatched Her from Bethel Church to Perform Satanic Ritual

Charisma News, collector and passer-off-as-facts of all sorts of wacky tales of Charismatic gaucherie, recently highlighted a video by Sid Roth interviewing a woman who claims that witches snatched her out of a Bethel Church service to perform ritual satanic abuse on her.

Though the interview is years old, Charisma author Jessilyn Lancaster thought to highlight it and the ministry of Sid Roth, who granted the interviewed woman an altered voice and blurred face to protect her identity, all the while Roth listens in rapt and affirming attention.

The woman describes how she was raised by generations of Satanists, and in fact, was a Southern Baptist Christian during the day and a Satanist at night who was involved with 12 different cults.

Roth asks how many Satanists there are out there and she replies:

It would probably be staggering because of the ones who have been in generation ties and for those who have been pulled into ceremonies. There are children raised to be breeders and used in different forms that are tied to it, and don’t believe there’s a way out.

This Bethel-attending woman describes how the cults programmed her with hymns, singing songs like “Come thou fount” as they ritually abused her, embedding into hymns satanic associations.

She explains to Roth that this was so that when she went to church and heard hymns she would instantly think “satanic thoughts” and have terror and fright and confusion. In fact, the song “Amazing Grace” was one of the worst ones.

But because Bethel doesn’t sing hymns, the devil wasn’t able to brainwash her and the Satanists were unable to reinforce their deviltry. She emphasizes that the Satanists hate modern Bethel music because they can’t get to them.

This whole story perfectly encapsulates Charisma, Roth, and Bethel all in one.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

A Compendium of False Trump Prophecies by False Prophets

2020 has been a bad year for charismatic prophets. First, they got hit with the wallop that was a worldwide pandemic that not a single charismatic prophet predicted. Not one. Dr. Michael Brown, being essentially an apologist for the devil tried to point out two prophets who “prophesied” about it, but these guys also said it would be diminished and end by Jewish Passover- which was back in April 2020, and that clearly has not happened. As you’d expect, Brown has been silent about that one.

They doubled down on their omission with a bit of commission, when a cornucopia of them prophecied that Trump would win the election, frequently in a “landslide” and a “red wave.”

While we understand that some giant revelations may be revealed that demonstrates voter fraud extensive enough to overcome the tens of thousands of votes that Biden leads by, at this point it’s in the bag and these prophets have been proven false.

Thankfully, we have Steven Kozar of the Messed Up Church to hold some feet to the fire, as he documented just a smattering of this continuationist malfeasance.

Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Sid Roth, Stephen Strang, Jeremiah Johnson, Kat Kerr, John Hemans, Robert Henderson, Tracy Eckhert, Mark Taylor, Chuck Pierce, Mike Lindell, Kevin Zadai, Tracey Cooke, Paula White, Mario Murilla, Francis Myles, Kim Clement, Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Kris Vallotton, and host of others.

Have you ever seen a more motley crew? False prophets all. The fact that they got it wrong should surprise no one, and should only serve to mark them even more forcefully, so we can avoid them more strenuously.