bad theology Charismatic Nonsense

Todd White on Medical Leave for 3 Months After Major Health Issue

Charismatic evangelist and professional cold-reader and leg-lengthener Todd White has announced that he’s on 90 days bed rest, on account of a problem with his heart, and that this would be a good time to sow into his ministry.

For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had repudiated his false beliefs after delivering an emotional sermon where he admitted he was not preaching the full gospel– leaving people to wonder if he’d been saved. We put on our discernment caps and explained this is how we would know he was repentant. Sadly, the next week he demonstrated that he was not. Since then he claimed that Jesus BECAME child pornography and bestiality on the cross and sampled Aerosmith as a prophetic worship song, showing that he’s just as sketchy as ever.

In a message posted to YouTube he explains:

Hey guys, it’s Todd White at Lifestyle Christianity. As you guys know, we’re doing a campaign called Expand 22. Unfortunately, for the beginning of this campaign, I had an issue come up with my heart. I haven’t been here at the training center, I haven’t been able to preach like I want to, I haven’t been able to speak like I want to.

I’m actually on 90 days of bed rest. Well, medical rest, the doctor said. Anyway, I had some kind of some kind of virus come in and weaken the left ventricle side of my heart, because I’m a big advocate of working out, big advocate of cardio exercise and healthy eating, which I still am. But it caused my left side of my heart to get weak, and so the pumping capacity was at 20%.

My heart is on the mend. It’s actually better than it was. I’m only 60 days out from being fully released to be able to go and preach the gospel and do everything that I’m called to do, and that is going across America, bringing the power and loves, (and?) making LCU as strong as it can possibly be.

And we want to bring God’s kingdom right here, right now. We want to see America saved but we need you guys to help partner. Please help us right now with this Expand 22, we really need help, we need you to sow now. Go to, look for Expand 22 and sow your seed now.

Bless you, we love you. Help us if we’ve helped you. Love you

Todd is on record as saying that all sickness comes from hell and Satan, and that it’s always God’s will to heal. He’s also claimed to heal hundreds if not thousands of people from muteness, blindness, cancer, bad backs, crippling arthritis, inability to walk, deafness, etc.

That this is a curveball in his own theology is an understatement. Still, we pray for his salvation and his healing.

h/t Shawn from Revealing Truth

Charismatic Nonsense Money Grubbing Heretics

Cancer has Returned? Bill Johnson’s Wife Beni in Chemo for ‘Three Very Large Tumors’

Bethel Church Head Honcho Bill Johnson has announced that his wife Beni Johnson is presently undergoing chemotherapy, the result of several tumors being revealed by a CT scan inside her body after a season of prolonged illness.

Johnson made the announcement during yesterdays’ church service, explaining:

Benni and I took the last several weeks, 3-4 weeks off vacation and did one of the things we like doing the most and that’s staying at home- a staycation.

One of the reasons we actually didn’t go anywhere this year is because Beni has been so sick. She’s not been well for a while but especially the last month. We arranged to have a CT scan- they found three very large tumors and so she is undergoing chemo.  The first treatment was this last week.

And we are like everybody else, contending for the breakthrough that’s already been provided, we know that’s true. There’s that weird verse in proverbs that says:” The horse is prepared for the day of battle, the victory belongs to the Lord.” So we’re doing the natural thing knowing that our salvation really is in the hand of the Lord.

Beni was previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018.

Lead prophet Kris Vallotton, taking the stage, told the congregants that “this isn’t a season of mourning, but of warfare” and prayed against the cancer.

After the prayer, Johnson told the stunned crowd:

We’re not begging for a miracle. It’s already been bought and paid for. The entire Christian life for me is learning what’s in my possession and what’s in my account and how to make withdrawals, and that’s the entire Christian life.

…Guilt and shame is false humility, and it introduces you to an insulation to breakthrough, and so what you want to do is stay away from that…but what we know for sure is that divine health is our portion. We know that no weapon formed against us can prosper. We know that he sent his word that is finely tuned and specifically designed for Benni’s situation.

He sent his word and healed her. We know that by the stripes of Jesus- did you know the stripes of Jesus, the suffering, was not necessary for your redemption? It was necessary for our healing. The death on the cross was necessary for our salvation- the shedding of blood, but not the suffering from a whip. That was for the healing. That was for the deliverance.

CT Today reported years ago during her first diagnosis that in 2017 “Beni Johnson revealed she had a heavenly encounter with Jesus in the spirit and gained access to healing power over cancer” and told the congregants to begin grabbing the healing power of cancer “out of heaven” as a means of obtaining healing.

Last month during a Q&A Johnson explained that “It is always God’s will to heal everyone” and that he never prays “if it be your will to heal”, as that is a prayer for unbelief, given that God has already revealed to Johnson that’s it’s always his will.