
Hans Schmidt, Evangelist Shot in Head While Street Preaching, Shares Health Update ‘It’s a Miracle, Absolutely a Miracle.’

Late last November, Hans Schmidt, a 26-year-old former military combat medic who is married with two small children, was preaching the gospel in the public square in Glendale, Arizona, when a car pulled up near him and shot him in the head. He told ABC15 News in a new report:

“I remember falling to my knee. And then after that, I was like, ‘Oh, something’s not right. I grabbed all my gear, put it back in the car. I drove my car back to church.”

Upon arrival, he went to tell his wife what happened, but no words would come out. His wife Zulya shared:

“He just, like, comes to the car and, like, I remember just seeing, like blood. And I’m like, ‘What happened? What happened?'”

Sensing something was deeply wrong, but unsure of the exact nature of his injuries- not even knowing that he was shot in the head at this point. Zulya and her brother decided to take Schmit to the hospital. He started seizing while in the vehicle and arrived at the hospital unresponsive. He was placed on life support and in a medically induced coma, with everyone believing he was going to pass away.

Prayers came from saints across the world, and a month later, he spoke for the first time. A month after that, in late January, he walked out of the hospital with bullet fragments still lodged in his brain after the neurosurgeon decided that surgery was too risky to remove them all.

“I should not be alive, realistically, I should be dead. And because (of) His grace and love, I’m still here.”

Though he’s still in recovery, Schmidt says he’s eager to get back to work, and doctors say he’ll be able to lead a mostly normal life. The long-term and short-term effects of the brain damage he suffered are unclear and have not been shared publicly.

Even knowing that the person who fired the gun is still out there, Hans is back at the corner of 51st and Peoria avenues, ready to share his new testimony.

“I don’t think that holding a grudge against him is going to change anything,” Hans said. “I think it’s important to forgive people. And I forgive him.”


Caught on Video! Pittsburgh Man Tries to Murder Pastor During Church Service, But Gun Jams

A pastor is thanking the Lord for his province after a man entered his church, pulled a gun on him, and fired at him in the middle of a church service that was being live-streamed. Mercifully, the gun jammed and did not fire, causing the gunman to be tackled and apprehended by a brave congregant, who quickly jumped into action. 

The incident happened at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, PA, a small church of about 25 people. Pastor Pastor Glenn Germany, who was the victim of the attempted murder by Bernard Junior Polite, 26, recounted the harrowing incident. 

“He stood up and he smiled at me. and it was just a smile. He comes to right here and then all of a sudden, that’s when I see him pull the gun and all I could do is duck and try to get out of the way…He pulled the gun; it clicked. You heard him shoot it. God jammed the gun so the bullet didn’t come out.”

Following the jamming, the gunman was tackled by Deacon Clarence McCallister, 63, who shared:

“Once I seen a gun, then I leaped out of my seat and leaped over that railing, and I tackled him down to the ground. The man had his back turned towards me, and I could see he would never see me coming.”

Following the incident, police went to the home of the perpetrator, where they found a body that was fatally shot. The deceased is believed to be a family member of Polite, who he murdered before the attempt on the pastor’s life.