
Disgraced Megachurch Pastor Bruxy Cavey Facing Two New Sexual Assault Charges

Former megachurch pastor Bruxy Cavey is facing two new sexual assault charges, adding to the long list of allegations against him. 

Hamilton police Const. Krista-Lee Ernst did not say what prompted the new charges, but more will be revealed when he appears in court in a few weeks.

For a brief background, Bruxy Cavey is one of the country’s most recognizable religious leaders. Far from being orthodox, he is also a false teacher who denies penal substitutionary atonement, biblical inerrancy, the eternality of hell, has an unbiblical view of the sin of homosexuality, and displays an affinity for open-theism. For more information on Cavey’s many false beliefs, click here.

Cavey was released from his position at The Meeting House, a 5000-member multi-campus megachurch in Oakville, ON, one of Canada’s largest, after being arrested and charged with sexual assault. Further investigations would reveal that the church has an endemic problem, with a third-party investigation revealing that there have been nearly 40 different reports of sexual abuse against four pastors within the church.

Following his ousting from the church, Cavey created the website ‘The Ghost of 1820’, which is “not a place for judgment and divisiveness” but instead where he will “share some of my processing on the gospel principles of repentance.” Here, he is “trying to rebuild what I have broken and repent of what I have done wrong while also defending myself against accusations of things I have not done.”

Notably, in a December 9th post on ‘The Look of Lust,’ where he offers an extended meditation on the evils of lust and porn, he writes:

I confess that I have committed adultery. And according to Jesus, I am also a murderer (see our last study), and a hypocrite, and a host of other things. I am a more vile person than anyone knows, and yet I am a more glorious soul than anyone sees.


Tim Ballard, The Hero Portrayed in ‘Sound of Freedom,’ Sued For Sexual Assault

(Ministry Watch) Five women are suing Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) founder Tim Ballard, accusing him of sexual assault and claiming he used psychological and spiritual manipulation to coerce them into sexual contact.

Ballard, the hero portrayed in the hit movie “Sound of Freedom,” resigned from his anti-sex-trafficking nonprofit in June shortly before the movie debuted, which raked in more than $200 million at the box office. MinistryWatch reported on Ballard’s sudden and mysterious departure in July. He then went on to start The SPEAR Fund, also aimed at ending human trafficking.

The women, who filed their lawsuit Monday, were former OUR workers, many of them fellow Mormons. The suit also names OUR and The SPEAR Fund as defendants, claiming leaders knew of the abuse but declined to discipline their organization’s iconic star and…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Steve Rabey and published at Ministry Watch


Liberty University Being Investigated by U.S. Department of Education for Mishandling Sexual Assault

A year after 12 women filed a class-action lawsuit against Liberty University, home of disgraced former president Jerry Falwell Jr, alleging that the University was violating federal anti-discrimination law Title IX by failing to process and investigate credible claims of sexual assault and harassment allegations properly, another woman has come forward and filed a lawsuit on account of their mishandling of her case.

In her filing, ‘Jane Doe’ alleges that” Liberty failed to investigate the rape and assault, refused reasonable accommodations for the Plaintiff, was deliberately indifferent to Plaintiff’s sexual assault and injuries, retaliated against the Plaintiff, and perpetuated a hostile and dangerous environment on and around campus, culminating in Plaintiff’s suspension from the university.”

In response to the news that they were being investigated by the US Department of Education, the University said in a statement:

“Liberty University welcomes the U.S. Department of Education’s review of our Clery Act compliance program…We have pledged our full cooperation and look forward to the opportunity to strengthen and enhance our program through this assessment process. We have also committed to work collaboratively with the Department to address any potential compliance gaps identified through the review. Liberty supports and embraces both the letter and the spirit” of the Clery Act.

h/t to CT