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Govt Closes Churches but Allows Sex Shops: They’re ‘Safety Supply Stores’

With many provinces in Canada going into full lockdown mode, closing small businesses and even prohibiting churches from gathering for drive-in services where no one leaves the car and the windows remain rolled up, one industry, along with liquors stores and cannabis shops are allowed to be open: Sex shops.

The government has deemed that these should be categorized as “safety supply stores” because they sell condoms and other prophylactics.

Veronica Kazoleas who owns The Nookie confirmed that they were considered to be an essential service and allowed to stay open.

It is true that we’re open as an essential service under the safety supplies category. We’re honored to support the sexual safety of our community during these unprecedented times. We’re particularly grateful to continue to serve marginalized populations who may not have a credit card or even the internet access that would allow them to order curbside pickup for our essential supplies.”

For many Churches either forced to close completely, or allowed only 10 people for outdoor services, it’s a slap in the face and a sure sign that the government has their priorities messed up. We await the cheeky church that will begin to sell condoms and dental dams in the front lobby in order to stay open.

May God help us.