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Parents ‘Furious’ at NYC Private School Over Graphic Sex-ed Videos Shown to 1st Graders

(Christian Post) Parents of children at an elite private school in New York City are speaking out against videos on masturbation and gender identity being shown to their first-graders.

According to the New York Post, parents of first-grade students at Dalton School, which costs $55,000 a year, were outraged when they learned that “health and wellness” educator Justine Ang Fonte — who had previously led an explicit “porn literacy” workshop at another prestigious prep school in the city — had shown 6 year olds a cartoon video in which “touching themselves” for pleasure was explained. 

“Hey, how come sometimes my penis gets big sometimes and points in the air?” a boy in the cartoon inquires, which then prompts an explanation about erections.  The boy nods his head and says that he touches his penis “because it feels good.”

A young girl in the cartoon video subsequently adds: “Sometimes, when I’m in my bath or when Mom puts me to bed, I like to touch my vulva too.”

The children were also reportedly…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Brandon Showalter and published at the Christian Post.