
Major Denomination Passes Resolution Supporting Sex Changes for Children+ Child Abuse

During the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, which took place last month in Baltimore, the decrepit and heretical 1.7M-member denomination passed a resolution supporting sex changes for people “at all age,” including children.

The monstrous resolution, D066, reads in part:

Resolved, that the 80th General Convention calls for the Episcopal Church to advocate for access to gender-affirming care in all forms (social, medical, or any other) and at all ages as part of our Baptismal call to “respect the dignity of every human being”; and be it further

Resolved, that the 80th General Convention affirms that all Episcopalians should be able to partake in gender-affirming care with no restriction on movement, autonomy, or timing; and be it further

Resolved, that this 80th General Convention supports public policies at the local, state, and national levels in all our countries to support gender-affirming care.

Because they call for these actions “in all forms” and “at all ages,” this includes puberty blockers, mastectomy for healthy breasts, castrating little boys, and cutting up and mutilating the vaginas of little girls, turning them into some grotesque approximation of penises, along with whichever other surgery and therapy is needed to affirm them in this lie.

The Episcopal Denomination has officially sanctioned child abuse, showing that hate God with all of their hearts.