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Beth Moore says Mike Huckabee Calling out Hypocrisy ‘Entirely Antithetical to the Gospel

Newly departed from the SBC, Beth Moore, took to Twitter on the weekend to harangue Mike Huckabee fpr calling out the hypocrisy of the culture and American businesses, saying that a tweet he made was “antithetical to the gospel.”

As a result of the tweet, many people piled on, decrying it as evil and racist. The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile called it “wretched,” and Sam Won led the way on charges of racism, prompting Moore to further share how stunned she was at such a racially insensitive comment.

The point was seemingly lost on Moore and her host of evagelical pilers-on. All the mentioned corporate businesses have criticized the actions of Georgia politicians to protect voting rights, while at the same time kowtowing to the Chinese government by turning a blind eye to the genocide and monstrosities they are committing. Huckabee pointed this out, and Moore took out her talons to scratch him until he felt shame.

If sarcasm and pointing out hypocrisy is considered “antithetical to the Gospel,” this demonstrates Moore has a warped understanding of what the gospel is, and cannot be trusted to lead or teach anyone. [Editor’s note: Duh, we’ve been trying to tell you that since at least 2016!] She really needs to go home.

Huckabee did respond to Moore, explaining that he was just having a bit of fun and takes the gospel seriously. Because he’s a squishy sort, he parted praising her and her ministry.

For more on Moore, you should buy this book.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies

Example #769 of Beth Moore Preaching About As Well As A Dog Can Walk On Its Hind Legs

That is to say, not very well. You want to hear some bad preaching? We have some bad preaching for you.

In a clip from Beth Moore preaching at Transformation Church, which is an SBC Church, by the way, the doting perfect princess of Lifeway/SBC proper and the red-headed stepchild of the faithful remnant within offers up a truly bizarre exegesis.

She starts off by explaining:

My bull meter is really, really, really well developed. And it is because I was so full of bull for so long that it takes one to know one. So I mean I know when I’m in the presence of it….

and then, being only half right, continues after a few minutes:

You set those 2 verses by one another, Galatians 5:6 [For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love] and Hebrew 11:1 [Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen], and here’s what you’re gonna see: that loving by faith is loving despite no external evidence that it is working.

Say what?

Oh somebody help me. Somebody help me with this lesson because this is where the rubber meets the road in the journey of faith. When it comes to loving by faith, Faith expressing itself through love, then anytime faith is involved in love, that means there is something unseen…

So we’re addressing what does loving by faith look like. The first one is it looks like work. The second one is it looks like the work doesn’t work. I want you to write that down. When we try to work out what does loving by faith looks like…it looks like the work doesn’t work. In other words, it’s taking all this work, but I can’t tell if it works. Expect it. Expect it.

Welp. That’s certainly a peculiar take.

So because faith is unseen, there is no external evidence that it’s working? That’s a…bad handling of the scriptures. [Editor’s note: At a minimum!] We would not be surprised if she were the first person in history to teach on that verse and come up with that novel idea.

But, that sort of confusion and making stuff is what one can expect to hear from Beth Moore, who is praised for her preaching prowess, but we just see a dancing puppy trying to stay upright on wobbly paws. I mean, she can get up there, but it’s about as clear as a dog barking. [Editor’s note: Even if the pup steadies its’ legs on the pulpit, it is still just a dog barking. Try following that exegesis. And it isn’t speaking in tongues, either…the Holy Spirit doesn’t make people bark like dogs!]

If you want to know more about Auntie Beth’s wily ways and why she’s such a dangerous teacher, click on this link to Seth Dunn’s Book So Long, Beth Moore: You’ve Been a Bad Friend to Us.

For a few more of her recent greatest hits:

Beth Moore Doesn’t Want You To Preach or Share The Gospel at The Protests

Beth Moore Openly Affirms Woman Pastrix

Beth Moore Falsely Claims ‘White Supremacy’ is Running Rampant in ‘Much of the Church’