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Jeremiah Johnson Issues Huge Public Apology for False Prophecy

Well-known charismatic false-prophet Jeremiah Johnson has issued an extremely public apology for false prophecies he made regarding the election of Donald Trump. He unequivocally taking responsibility for his claim that the President would win re-election, in what should serve at least in part as a template and case study for the thousands of charismatic leaders believing they are hearing from the Lord, but are only manifesting their own flesh.

In a letter published on his Facebook page, his ministry page, and sent out as a press release to Charisma News, Johnson writes the following:

My aim in this public apology is twofold. First, I would like to repent for inaccurately prophesying that Donald Trump would win a second term as the President of the United States. I refuse to blame the saints and say, ‘It didn’t come to pass because they did not pray enough.’ Nor will I proclaim, ‘Donald Trump actually won, so I was right, but now it has been stolen from him.’

I believe the first statement seeks to alleviate the prophetic messenger from the responsibility of what he prophesied, and the second statement is filled with potential pride and an unwillingness to humble himself and admit he was wrong. 

I want to go on record: ‘I was wrong, I am deeply sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness.’ I specifically want to apologize to any believer in whom I have now caused potential doubt concerning the voice of God and His ability to speak to His people. As a human being, I missed what God was saying; however, rest assured, God Himself is NOT a liar and His written Word should always be the foundation and source of our lives as Christians.

Johnson then goes into a long and detailed explanation of his prophetic words and process regarding Trump, including notes from his journal that provides commentary along the way.

While he apologizes for the false prophecy about Trump winning a second term, he still does insist that other prophecies and dream visions he received regarding him were legitimate. He quotes a “prophetic dream” he had in 2019  and then writes:

I believe this was once again, a very clear prophetic warning dream that imminent danger was ahead for Donald Trump if he continued down the path he was going. Dire prayer and intercession was called for in January of 2019 concerning the attacks that were coming. 

He finishes with these words by noting that though the Lord did speak to him directly in the first few instances, it was the last one he got wrong, explaining, “Perhaps the first two parts were born of the Spirit and the third part was of the flesh—a soulish desire of mine that was not from God.”