
Masterclass! Abortion Abolitionist Engages Angry Leftists Hating Babies For 15 Minutes

Free the States, one of the leading abortion abolitionist organizations in the country, has released a video featuring founder Russell Hunter engaging a hostile group of pro-choicers, offering a masterclass in how to engage in the space. What is notable is the number of young pre-teens and teenage girls alternately listening intently, laughing or mocking, and the calmness Hunter displays as he dismantles the angry and irrational arguments and objections.

Free the States has also started to become a presence on TikTok where they’ve posted similar interactions amassing nearly 20 million views and 1.7 million likes. Their most popular video, seen below, has over 8 million views.

@free.the.states Replying to @.a.i..r Not Finished – Part 2. #funny #crazy #love #tiktok #viral #foryoupage #foryou #fyp #explore ♬ original sound – Free The States

Hot Take: ‘Today is not a day to Celebrate and Praise God for what the Supreme Court has Done’

While many are hailing the recent SCOTUS to overrule Roe w. Wade, Abortion Abolitionists have many cautions in place and warnings that this may not be all it seems. We wanted to highlight their perspective. From Russell Hunter, Director of Free the States, an Oklahoma-based lobbying group dedicated to passing bills to truly abolish abortion across the country. Written on Facebook after the SCOTUS decision was released

Today is not a day to celebrate and praise God for what the Supreme Court has done.

Yes, today brings an end to the nearly five decades rule of Roe. But consider this in your celebrations. Throughout this period we have had the opportunity to stand up and obey God when the courts of man have told us that no state has the right to criminalize child sacrifice and protect preborn humans from murder in the womb.

We can no longer ignore, nullify, or defy Roe v Wade. The time for showing courage and faith to take action and decry the iniquitous decree of the courts of man when it comes to protecting preborn children from slaughter has ended. We can now no longer display obedience to God in defiance of the godless court as a people repenting and following the the true King and His “Law above all laws” instead of obeying our black robed judicial overlords. The Lord has brought this period and opportunity “for the people of God to rise up and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32) to an end.

Surely this is a dark day for us and a greater judgment of God against a wicked and rebellious people has now befallen us. We have gone down to Egypt for our help and we will now enter a period of shame, humiliation, and confusion.

“Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.” (Isaiah 30:1-3)

No. Today is not a day to celebrate. It is a day for repentance.

Today is a day to confess and repent of our idolatry of man and cease our total compliance and subservience to the weak and dark dictates of the courts of men. Today is a day to confess and repent of our failure to fear God more than we fear men. Today is a day to take stock of just how weak we have been and still are, and to rise up and go a different direction in the strength and admonition of the Lord.

We are still looking to war-horses and chariots and letting godless men and ideas rule our hearts and minds. Stop your celebrating and cry out to the Lord a confession of sin and disobedience. We are a wretched and false people who neither know or follow the King of Kings collectively as a people, as states, or as a nation. The religious leaders and congregations of our culture of death cannot even fathom what I have written in this paltry Facebook post! They do not know that this is a day of judgment and a day for solemn assembly and woe. They see it as a day to be proud and boast about their long disobedience to God and continued delay of justice. They are blind guides leading the blind.

So no! You will not read from me a simple “praise God, but we still have work to do” type status. I am not interested in collecting “likes” and “atta-boys”. I am deeply distraught as I look upon the state of our nation, its leaders and its people, and I lament the state of our individual states, the fact that they can no longer display repentance and obedience to God in nullifying Roe, and I am saddened most of all by the state of our churches and religious leaders.

Yes… there is still an opportunity to repent and all is not lost. But that must be our cry. Repent! Not celebrate. Confess! Not congratulate. Repent! Rise up and follow the Lord. Tomorrow is a new day to do what is right and by the Grace of God we can still repent. But we will not get there by praising God that we have gained the supreme court’s permission to regulate abortion at the state level or by thanking God for the supreme court’s confessed neutrality toward child sacrifice.

Come now, let us reason together.


Hot Take: The Supreme Court Did NOT Establish Justice for the Preborn

While many are hailing the recent SCOTUS leak of their intention to overrule Roe w. Wade, Abortion Abolitionists have many cautions in place and warnings that this may not be all it seems. We wanted to highlight their perspective. From Russell Hunter, Director of Free the States, an Oklahoma-based lobbying group dedicated to passing bills to truly abolish abortion across the country.

Written on Facebook just hours before the SCOTUS decision leaked:

“If the Supreme Court rules later this year that abortion is not a Constitutional right and never has been, we will have had 50 years of total state subserviency to a legal fiction which led to the mass murder of seventy million Americans.

Of course there will be incrementalists who claim that they were right to obey the court’s unjust decree for five decades and that we never would have gotten to this point without their fifty-year focus on seeking increments and regulations rather than outright abolition.

What a shameful wicked prideful argument that will be! For, if the court rules that the long-held prohibition of a states’ rights to criminalize abortion is not constitutional and has in fact never been constitutional and the court was just wrong, then the past fifty years of obedience to the court will have been fifty years disobedience to God and the US Constitution.

Delaying abolition for fifty years in service to an unconstitutional and iniquitous decree will be nothing to brag about.

PS: What is perhaps equally as sad and frustrating is that we will still have to Free the States from participating in state-sanctioned child sacrifice as a result of the vast indoctrination of abortion rights sentiment cultivated by the past fifty years of abortion regulationism which has ruled supreme on both the left and the right of our culture of death.

And then written a few hours after the leaks:

For the past 5 decades, not a single state government in the union has upheld the constitutionally recognized inalienable right to life or obeyed God over and above the Supreme Court. They have all submitted to the Supreme Court and have refused to protect preborn children from abortion. They have all followed the legal fiction of Roe v Wade and granted special murder rights to any women who become a mother. As a result some 70 million babies have been butchered in the womb under the color of unjust laws and pro-life regulations.

Now the states are looking to the Supreme Court to give them permission to regulate abortion beyond what they have already been doing and the pro-life industry is celebrating the potential granting of a states’ right to regulate abortion within their borders as a great victory.

Unfortunately in many of the most pro-life states legislation has already been passed granting mothers total immunity from prosecution if and when they carry out their own abortions (self-managed abortion is massively on the rise). Even in states where abolitionist agitation and lobbying have provoked pro-life establishment politicians to pass court-compliant “trigger bills” as substitutes for abolition, none of the bans on abortion that are to be triggered by a repeal of Roe seek to establish equal justice and equal protection for preborn human beings.

In the event that SCOTUS does rule in accordance with Justice Alito’s leaked draft, justice will not be established in a single state of the union. Every state will still need to pass bills of total and immediate abolition and enforce laws establishing equal justice and equal protection for the preborn.

Of course, it would be even better if the federal government would likewise pass a bill or act of total and immediate abolition which criminalized the practice of child sacrifice in all 50 states. The federal government does have the right and duty to carry out such an act! If they did, no doubt we would see many liberal states attempt to nullify the abolition act and threaten to secede from the union in order to protect the “peculiar institution” of abortion.

All of this is to say that the battle against abortion is far from over. Do not let any of the organizations hyping Alito’s draft and claiming victory for the pro-life movement induce you to let up a single second. In all truth, the supreme Court would not even be considering the repeal of Roe v Wade were it not for the growing threat of state-by-state abolitionist nullification.

We cannot let up now. We must increase our demand for total and immediate abolition. Power concedes nothing without a demand and the conflict between those who want abortion to be utterly abolished and those who want to retain the states’ right to regulate it continues. Press on for the glory of God and love of your preborn neighbors!