Charismatic Nonsense Money Grubbing Heretics

‘Pastor’ Todd White Ministry Merges to Form New Church

Evangelist Todd White has announced that he’s merging his Lifestyle Christianity Church with Risen Nation Church, taking on the role of a Senior Leader of the ministry and Pastor within the new multi-site campus, with former employee and now partner William Hinn becoming Senior Pastor.

For years Todd White traveled the world as a prosperity preacher and faith healer, head of his own ministry, but always as an evangelist. Since the normally traveling evangelist has been grounded during the pandemic, White focused on his family – 5 kids ranging from 24 years old to 2 – and his own ministry, forming Lifestyle Christianity Church in September of 2020, ordaining himself to be the new senior pastor.

That season [as pastor] has been absolutely wonderful for me. You know, I stepped into being pastor, and so it’s always been weird for me to like, hear people say, ‘Pastor Todd, Pastor Todd…’

White will be merging his church with Risen Nation Church on August 1 – itself barely two years old, and the church will operate under that moniker, having two campuses in the city. Excited for the event and moved to tears,
White says their new church will unleash the miraculous in an unprecedented fashion.

You know we’re gonna go after the supernatural like never before. We’re gonna see miracles, signs, wonders, the prophetic words of knowledge. We’re going to see the most outrageous miracles that DFW [Dallas–Fort Worth] has ever seen, let alone the body of Christ has ever seen. We’re going to go after this together and it’s going to be beautiful.

Last year there was hope that White had repented of his false gospel when he specifically said in a message, “I feel like I’ve just seen something completely brand new! This is hard for people, hunh? It’s hard for me. It’s hard for me because I feel like I haven’t preached the whole gospel. And I repent. I repent,” but then within a few days, he clarified that he didn’t really mean it like that.