
The Bleed Continues: Scandal-Plagued Lead Pastors of Hillsong Boston Resign

Hillsong USA continues to hemorrhage pastors and churches, with Josh and Leona Kimes, co-pastors of Hillsong Boston, announcing on social media that they were resigning from their roles and would be moving on.

Leona Kimes previously served as disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s personal nanny for 7 years before moving to Boston and becoming a ‘pastor’ there. While she was in his employment, they had an inappropriate and sinful sexual relationship between 2015-2017, where she alleged in a Medium Post that she was “subjected to manipulation, control, bullying, abuse of power, and sexual abuse by him, and an independent report commissioned by Hillsong notied that Lentz admitted to “ subliminally encouraging a relationship with the married Kimes with whom he engaged in at least 20 but less than 100 sex acts which he described as “manipulated intimacy.”

The couple did not give a reason for leaving, but did write on Facebook that God was “directing” their steps to “walk confidentially & humbly into the unknown and trust him to open the right doors & plant us somewhere new,” while also apologizing for “perpetuating a culture that at times valued the building of the church at the expense of those building it,” during their time at the church.

It seems like every time Hillsong senior pastors resign suddenly, it’s on account of a brewing scandal, such as with Jess and Reed Bogard of Hillsong Dallas- a church that was shuttered by HillsongCorp after widespread corruption and accusations of sexual sin came to light. While neither of the Kimeses are qualified to be pastors, we hope that they have not continued the sad tradition and are leaving for honest reasons.

Evangelical Stuff Featured

Lifelong Democrat Russell Moore Demands Donald Trump Resign

(Capstone Report) Don’t give a dime to a Southern Baptist Church until this Democrat resigns or is removed from office
Russell Moore is responsible for rise of Critical Race Theory and division in the Southern Baptist Convention

Yes, it is a dog bites man story. A Democrat calls for the resignation of the Republican president. However, since Southern Baptists pay this Democrat’s salary, you should know about it.

Noted, Democrat Russell Moore tweeted, “Mr. President, people are dead. The Capitol is ransacked. There are 12 dangerous days for our country left.  Could you please step down and let our country heal?

Healing? Please, Russell Moore’s demand will only…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Capstone Report and published there.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News

Two More High-Profile Hillsong ‘Pastors’ Resign Amidst Scandals

As Hillsong continues their investigation into the dysfunctional culture at their New York City branch where disgraced pastor Carl Lentz once held sway, a pair of high profile pastors have resigned their post, citing concerns for the need to stay mentally healthy and remain healthy amid fluctuating public sentiment and international turmoil.

Pastor Reed Bogard, who also helped found Hillsong NYC and Hillsong LA and was up until this point the senior “pastor” at Hillsong Dallas, released a short, curt, prerecorded message during the January 3 service announcing that he and his “pastrix” wife Jess were resigning, explaining:

Hey church. Hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to take a second on behalf of Jess and I to share some news with you.

As many of you know, Jess and I have been part of our church for 15 years. We met at college, went to Hillsong college, worked on staff in different roles there, and then transitioned back to America where over the last 10 years we’ve been able to be a part of three church plants and have the opportunity specifically here to be the lead pastors. And it has been an incredible ride thus far, we’ve had some crazy days, great days, seeing God do many, many miracles, and we’re so grateful for that.

With that said, the last 10 years of being in church planting mode has really taken a bit of a toll on Jess and I and our family. We just really feel like it’s time to transition off of our staff and take some time to remain healthy, get healthy, and really see what this next season holds for us.

Bogard takes a few more seconds to heap effusive praise on Global Senior Pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston and then signs off, effectively ending his tenure at Hillsong.

Brian Houston continued with the video, explaining that though the announcement might surprise some members, they would care for the congregation and would take their time finding them a new pastor. (With their Church model, a senior pastor is “assigned” to the congregation by upper Hillsong management.)

Reed’s announcement to you right now, not sure if that comes as a shock. Reed and Jess have given their heart and soul to the pioneering of Hillsong Dallas Love the last couple of years, and we’re grateful for that, and the great work they’ve done.

Reed and I have been talking now over a period of time and we both agreed it would be a perfect time for them to come to a new season in their life, which means a new season also for Hillsong Dallas.

I do believe in the future of Hillsong Dallas. In the meantime, we will make sure week by week that the church is being cared for. We have a great team over in America and around the world. Even though we are restricted in what we can and can’t do right now in terms of travel, you are not going to be forsaken.

The video can be seen here.