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‘Enemies Within the Church’ Film Gets a Premiere and Release Date!

The long-awaited film Enemies Within the Church has been given a premiere and release date, with both happening on November 2, 2021, according to promotional invites sent out and posted to social media. The film is notable in that, among other reasons, it is one of the few entities brave enough to acknowledge that they use JD Hall and Protestia/ Pulpit & Pen as a source for research, and will be giving us due credit.

According to the official synopsis

“Enemies Within: The Church is an educational, historical, and evidence-based movie experience that provokes a passionate return to orthodox Christian faithfulness across the western world…Specifically, the movie encourages the Church to cleanse itself from contamination imposed by cultural Marxism and a heretical teaching known as “The Social Justice Gospel.” By hearing the exchanges between the movie’s host and experts interviewed around the world, viewers are provided with a bright light shining upon truths formerly hidden behind the white noise of shallow pop-culture..The movie elucidates the fact that every single problem faced by western civilization is, ultimately, a theological problem, and every solution to every problem is a theological absolute.It answers the question: “What happened to living, powerful, transformative, nation-shaking Christianity?

You can check out the trailer below, and see that it is the sort of thing that is right up our alley.

The film was initially planned to be released a couple of years ago, but COVID, being community funded, and the rapid growth in wokeness and the impact on culture has necessitated it being delayed. This is notwithstanding that they released two mini documentaries in the interim; one exposing Albert Mohler’s Role in Allowing CRT to Flourish and another on the Scandalous ‘First Baptist Church Naples’ Story

For anyone wanting to attend the premiere, which will be a black-tie event in Sioux City, Iowa, you can get the details here.

For anyone else wanting to donate to this film in order to cover still needed expenses, such as marketing to spread the message far and wide, can do so here and click on the “donate” button.