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Breaking! RZIM Announces Name Change + Complete Purge of All Ravi Zacharias Content

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries has announced that they are removing all content produced by their namesake from their website, including books, videos, and articles, and furthermore are changing the name of their organization in order to put as much distance between themselves and the famously disgraced Christian apologist.

In a statement on their website, RZIM CEO Sarah Davis explains that the ministry is in the process of working through an outside assessment of their organization by Guidepost Solutions, who has begun the process of “evaluating our structures, culture, policies, processes, finances, and practices, including the handling of any former abuse allegations” so that they can “understand all areas of unhealth in our organization so that we can take that learning and do everything we can to prevent any kind of abuse in the future.”

They explain that they expect it to take several months and “we do not plan to comment on any recommendations being made until the process has been completed.”

Furthermore, RZIM confirmed that they are wiping out any and all traces of Ravi Zacharias from their organization, as well as changing the name of the organization post haste.

We are in the process of taking down Ravi’s content from our website and social media platforms, including publications, videos, and other forms of content, and we intend to change the name of the organization. Effective immediately, we are also discontinuing the use of “The Zacharias Institute” brand.

Along with this announcement, RZIM has (temporarily?) shuttered its website. Now, when one visits, there is only a link to their statement and to their hotline, which they put up so that anyone who has information about Ravi Zacharias’ evil appetites or organizational malfeasance and dysfunction can contact Guidepost directly to make a complaint.